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public function EncryptingExistingDataTest::testEncryptingExistingData in Field Encryption 3.0.x

Tests that existing entities can be encrypted.


tests/src/Functional/EncryptingExistingDataTest.php, line 24


Tests encrypting fields on entities that already exist.




public function testEncryptingExistingData() {
    ->set('batch_size', 40)
  for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
    ->clickLink('run this process manually');
    ->pageTextContains('There are 80 entities queued for updating to use the latest field encryption settings.');
    ->pressButton('Process updates');
  foreach ($this->testNodes as $node) {
  for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    ->clickLink('run this process manually');
    ->pageTextContains('There are 60 entities queued for updating to use the latest field encryption settings.');
    ->pressButton('Process updates');
  foreach ($this->testNodes as $node) {
  foreach ($this->testNodes as $idx => $node) {
      ->pageTextContains('Test node revision' . ($idx + 1));
      ->pageTextContains('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.');
      ->pageTextContains('one lorem');
      ->pageTextContains('two lorem');
      ->pageTextContains('three lorem');

  // Decrypt one of the configurable fields and the base field using the UI.
    ->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to remove encryption for field field_test_multi on node?');
    ->pressButton('Remove field encryption');
    ->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to remove encryption for field title on node?');
    ->pressButton('Remove field encryption');

  // Edit a node before processing the queues. Do this via the UI to avoid
  // issues with static caches in the runner.
    ->setValue('Test node revision1 updated');
    ->pageTextContains('Test node revision1 updated');
    ->pageTextContains('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.');
    ->pageTextContains('one lorem');
    ->pageTextContains('two lorem');
    ->pageTextContains('three lorem');
    ->pageTextContains('There are 120 entities queued for updating to use the latest field encryption settings.');
    ->pressButton('Process updates');
  foreach ($this->testNodes as $idx => $node) {
      ->pageTextContains('Test node revision' . ($idx + 1) . $idx === 0 ? ' updated' : '');
      ->pageTextContains('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.');
      ->pageTextContains('one lorem');
      ->pageTextContains('two lorem');
      ->pageTextContains('three lorem');