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performance_test.php in Field Encryption 3.0.x


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// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

 * @file
 * A performance test for encrypted fields.
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {

 * This script makes the following assumptions
 * - It is working on a fresh install of the Standard profile that ships with
 *   core.
 * - The dependencies of field_encrypt are installed
 * - The module is installed.
 * The script is designed to be run via drush. i.e:
 * - vendor/bin/drush scr modules/field_encrypt/tests/scripts/performance_test.php
 * You can set the environment variable FIELD_ENCRYPT_QUANTITY to change how
 * many nodes are created. The default is 1000.

// Create test fields.
use Drupal\encrypt\Entity\EncryptionProfile;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\key\Entity\Key;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;

// Create a 256bit testkey.
if (!Key::load('testing_key_256')) {
  $key_256 = Key::create([
    'id' => 'testing_key_256',
    'label' => 'Testing Key 256 bit',
    'key_type' => "encryption",
    'key_type_settings' => [
      'key_size' => '256',
    'key_provider' => 'config',
    'key_provider_settings' => [
      'key_value' => 'F)J@NcRfUjXn2r5u8x/A?D(G-KaPdSgV',

// Create test encryption profiles.
if (!EncryptionProfile::load('encryption_profile_1')) {
  $encryption_profile_1 = EncryptionProfile::create([
    'id' => 'encryption_profile_1',
    'label' => 'Encryption profile 1',
    'encryption_method' => 'sodium',
    'encryption_key' => $key_256
$field_created = FALSE;

/** @var FieldStorageConfig $single_field_storage */
if (!FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('node', 'field_test_single')) {
  $field_created = TRUE;
  $single_field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::create([
    'field_name' => 'field_test_single',
    'entity_type' => 'node',
    'type' => 'text_with_summary',
    'cardinality' => 1,
    ->setThirdPartySetting('field_encrypt', 'encrypt', TRUE);
    ->setThirdPartySetting('field_encrypt', 'properties', [
    'value' => 'value',
    'summary' => 'summary',

  // These setting is only used by 8.x-2.x and not 3.0.x.
    ->setThirdPartySetting('field_encrypt', 'encryption_profile', 'encryption_profile_1');
    ->setThirdPartySetting('field_encrypt', 'uncacheable', TRUE);
  $single_field = FieldConfig::create([
    'field_storage' => $single_field_storage,
    'bundle' => 'page',
    'label' => 'Single field',

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayRepositoryInterface $display_repository */
  $display_repository = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository');
    ->getFormDisplay('node', 'page', 'default')
    ->getViewDisplay('node', 'page', 'default')
    ->setComponent('field_test_single', [
    'type' => 'text_default',

  /** @var FieldStorageConfig $multi_field_storage */
  $multi_field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::create([
    'field_name' => 'field_test_multi',
    'entity_type' => 'node',
    'type' => 'string',
    'cardinality' => 3,
    ->setThirdPartySetting('field_encrypt', 'encrypt', TRUE);
    ->setThirdPartySetting('field_encrypt', 'properties', [
    'value' => 'value',

  // These setting is only used by 8.x-2.x and not 3.0.x.
    ->setThirdPartySetting('field_encrypt', 'encryption_profile', 'encryption_profile_1');
    ->setThirdPartySetting('field_encrypt', 'uncacheable', TRUE);
  $multi_field = FieldConfig::create([
    'field_storage' => $multi_field_storage,
    'bundle' => 'page',
    'label' => 'Multi field',
    ->getFormDisplay('node', 'page', 'default')
    ->getViewDisplay('node', 'page', 'default')
    ->setComponent('field_test_multi', [
    'type' => 'string',

// This setting is only used by 3.0.x and not 8.2.x
  ->set('encryption_profile', 'encryption_profile_1')
if ($field_created) {

  // This should not be necessary but it provides a clean starting point. If the
  // scripts has been run on the install already it does not call
  // drupal_flush_all_caches() to make it easier to get a profile that only
  // concerns encrypting and decrypting.
$default_filter_format = filter_default_format();
$values = [
  'field_test_single' => [
      'value' => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
      'summary' => "Lorem ipsum",
      'format' => $default_filter_format,
  'field_test_multi' => [
      'value' => "one lorem",
      'value' => "two lorem",
      'value' => "three lorem",
  'type' => 'page',
  'uid' => 0,
$node_ids = [];
$quantity = (int) (getenv('FIELD_ENCRYPT_QUANTITY') ?? 1000);
$start = microtime(TRUE);
for ($i = 0; $i < $quantity; $i++) {
  $values['title'] = 'Test node ' . ($i + 1);
  $node = Node::create($values);
  $node_ids[] = $node
print 'Created ' . count($node_ids) . ' encrypted nodes in : ' . round(microtime(TRUE) - $start, 2) . " seconds\n";
if ($field_created) {

// Ensure static caches play no part.
$start = microtime(TRUE);
foreach ($node_ids as $nid) {
  $node = Node::load($nid);
print 'Decrypted ' . count($node_ids) . ' encrypted nodes in : ' . round(microtime(TRUE) - $start, 2) . " seconds\n";