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private function FeedsYoutubeParser::feeds_youtube_api_do_request in Feeds: YouTube Parser 7.3

Perform API request to youtube API and retreive search result.

1 call to FeedsYoutubeParser::feeds_youtube_api_do_request()
FeedsYoutubeParser::parse in plugins/
Parse the extra mapping sources provided by this parser.


plugins/, line 259
Feeds parser class for YouTube.


Class definition for YouTube Parser.


private function feeds_youtube_api_do_request($url, $page_token = '', $source, $fetcher_result, $client, $youtube) {
  $result = array();
  $url .= "&maxResults=" . $this->config['result_per_page'];
  $url .= $page_token != '' ? "&pageToken=" . $page_token : "";
  $api_request_result = drupal_http_request($url);
  if ($client
    ->getAccessToken()) {
    $search_response = json_decode($api_request_result->data, TRUE);
    $result['next_page_token'] = $search_response['nextPageToken'];
    $video_results = array();
    foreach ($search_response['items'] as $search_result) {
      array_push($video_results, $search_result['id']['videoId']);
    $video_ids = join(',', $video_results);
    $part = "contentDetails,id,snippet";
    if ($this->config['authenticated_on_channel']) {
      $part .= ",fileDetails,player,statistics,status,topicDetails";
    try {
      $videos_response = $youtube->videos
        ->listVideos($part, array(
        'id' => $video_ids,
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
      if (strpos($ex
        ->getMessage(), 'Forbidden') > -1) {
        drupal_set_message(t('It seems you don\'t have access to read/view the results, please configure you feed importer !admin_link', array(
          '!admin_link' => l(t('Configure'), "admin/structure/feeds/{$source->id}/settings/FeedsYoutubeParser"),
        )), 'error');
    if (!empty($videos_response['items'])) {
      $result = $this
        ->parseVideoItems($videos_response, $source, $fetcher_result);
  else {
    throw new Exception(t('FeedsYoutubeParser: Unauthorized token.'));
  return array(
    'result' => $result,
    'page_token' => $search_response['nextPageToken'],