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feeds_tamper_plugins.test in Feeds Tamper 6

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Unit tests for feeds tamper plugins.


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 * @file
 *  Unit tests for feeds tamper plugins.

 * Base class for plugin unit tests.
class FeedsTamperUnitTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {

   * The current plugin id being tested.
   * Set this via subclass.
   * @var string
  protected $plugin_id;
  public function setUp() {
    $plugin = NULL;
    $file = $this
    require_once $file;
    $this->plugin_info = $plugin;

   * Returns absolute plugin path for the current plugin.
   * If another module is using FeedsTamperUnitTestCase, this can be overridden
   * to calculate the correct path.
   * @return string
   *   The plugin path.
  protected function getPluginPath() {
    return dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/plugins/' . $this->plugin_id . '.inc';
  public function form($importer, $element_key, $settings = array()) {
    return $this->plugin_info['form']($importer, $element_key, $settings);
  public function validate(&$settings = array()) {
    if (!empty($this->plugin_info['validate'])) {
      if ($errors = form_get_errors()) {
        foreach ($errors as $key => $value) {
            ->error(t('Input error on %key with value %value.', array(
            '%key' => $key,
            '%value' => $value,
  public function callback($source, $item_key, $element_key, &$field, $settings = array()) {
    $this->plugin_info['callback']($source, $item_key, $element_key, $field, $settings);
  public function execute($input, $output, $settings = array()) {
      ->callback(NULL, NULL, NULL, $input, $settings);
      ->assertEqual($input, $output);
  public function createSource() {
    $source = new stdClass();
    $source->batch = new stdClass();
    $source->batch->items = array();
    return $source;


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperArrayFilterTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'array_filter';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Filter empty items',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Filter empty items".',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    ), array(
  public function executeFilter($in_array, $out_array) {
      ->callback(NULL, NULL, NULL, $in_array);
      ->assertEqual($in_array, $out_array);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperAbsoluteURLTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'absolute_url';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Make URLs absolute',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Make URLs absolute" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
      ->executeAbs('', '<a href="dog"></a>', '<a href=""></a>');
      ->executeAbs('', '<a href="dog"></a>', '<a href=""></a>');
      ->executeAbs('', '<a href="/dog"></a>', '<a href=""></a>');
      ->executeAbs('', '<a href="/dog"></a><img src="/kitty" />', '<a href=""></a><img src="" />');
      ->executeAbs('', '<img src="/kitty" />', '<img src="" />');
      ->executeAbs('', '<img src="kitty" />', '<img src="" />');
      ->executeAbs('', '<img src="/kitty.png" />', '<img src="" />');
      ->executeAbs('', '<img src="/frog/kitty.png" />', '<img src="" />');
      ->executeAbs('', '', '');
      ->executeAbs('', 'asdf', 'asdf');
      ->executeAbs('', '<a href="">asdfasdf</a>', '<a href="">asdfasdf</a>');
  public function executeAbs($link, $html_in, $html_out) {
    $source = $this
    $source->batch->link = $link;
      ->callback($source, NULL, NULL, $html_in, array());
      ->assertEqual($html_in, $html_out);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperCovertBooleanTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'convert_boolean';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Convert to boolean',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Convert to boolean" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'true_value' => 'A',
      'false_value' => 'B',
      'match_case' => FALSE,
      'no_match' => 'false',

    // Basic functionality.
      ->execute('A', TRUE, $settings);
      ->execute('B', FALSE, $settings);

    // match_case = FALSE works.
      ->execute('a', TRUE, $settings);
      ->execute('b', FALSE, $settings);

    // no_match = false
      ->execute('c', FALSE, $settings);
    $settings['no_match'] = 'pass';
      ->execute('c', 'c', $settings);

    // match_case = TRUE
    $settings['match_case'] = TRUE;
    $settings['no_match'] = 'false';
      ->execute('a', FALSE, $settings);

    // no_match = NULL.
    $settings['no_match'] = 'null';
      ->execute('a', NULL, $settings);

    // other_text = 'other text'.
    $settings['no_match'] = 'other';
    $settings['other_text'] = 'other text';
      ->execute('a', 'other text', $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperConvertCaseTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'convert_case';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Convert Case',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Convert Case" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
      ->execute('asdfasdf', 'ASDFASDF', array(
      'mode' => MB_CASE_UPPER,
      ->execute('AsdFasdf', 'asdfasdf', array(
      'mode' => MB_CASE_LOWER,
      ->execute('asdfasdf', 'Asdfasdf', array(
      'mode' => MB_CASE_TITLE,


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperCopyTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'copy';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Copy',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Copy" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'to_from' => 'to',
      'source' => 'body',
    $item = array(
      'title' => 'This is a title',
      'body' => 'This is a body',
      ->executeCop($item, 'title', $settings);
    $settings = array(
      'to_from' => 'from',
      'source' => 'body',
      ->executeCop($item, 'title', $settings);
  public function executeCop($input, $element_key, $settings) {
    $source = $this
    $source->batch->items[] = $input;
      ->callback($source, 0, $element_key, $source->batch->items[0][$element_key], $settings);
      ->assertEqual($source->batch->items[0][$element_key], $source->batch->items[0][$settings['source']]);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperDefaultValueTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'default_value';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Set default value',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Set default value" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
      ->execute('asdfasdf', 'HELLO', array(
      'default_value' => 'HELLO',
    ), 'HELLO', array(
      'default_value' => 'HELLO',


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperExplodeTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'explode';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Explode',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Explode" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'separator' => ',',
      'limit' => NULL,
      ->execute('a,b,c,d', array(
    ), $settings);
      ->execute('1,2,3,4', array(
    ), $settings);
      ->execute('123,1.23,abc,456 ,789,def890', array(
      '456 ',
    ), $settings);
    $settings['limit'] = 2;
      ->execute('a,b,c,d', array(
    ), $settings);
      ->execute('a.b.c.d', array(
    ), $settings);

    // Test multiple value handling.
    $settings['limit'] = NULL;
    ), array(
    ), $settings);
    ), array(
    ), $settings);

    // Test negative values.

    //$settings['limit'] = 2;

    //$this->execute('a,b,c,d', array('a', 'b,c,d'), $settings);

    //$this->execute('a.b.c.d', array('a.b.c.d'), $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperFindReplaceTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'find_replace';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Find Replace',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Find Replace" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'find' => 'cat',
      'replace' => 'dog',
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'whole' => FALSE,
      ->execute('The cat went to the park.', 'The dog went to the park.', $settings);
      ->execute('The Cat went to the park.', 'The dog went to the park.', $settings);
      ->execute('The Catwent to the park.', 'The dogwent to the park.', $settings);
    $settings = array(
      'find' => 'cat',
      'replace' => 'dog',
      'case_sensitive' => TRUE,
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'whole' => FALSE,
      ->execute('The cat went to the park.', 'The dog went to the park.', $settings);
      ->execute('The Cat went to the park.', 'The Cat went to the park.', $settings);
      ->execute('The catwent to the park.', 'The dogwent to the park.', $settings);
    $settings = array(
      'find' => 'c/at',
      'replace' => 'dog',
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'word_boundaries' => TRUE,
      'whole' => FALSE,
      ->execute('The c/at went to the park.', 'The dog went to the park.', $settings);
      ->execute('The C/at went to the park.', 'The dog went to the park.', $settings);
      ->execute('The c/atwent to the park.', 'The c/atwent to the park.', $settings);
    $settings = array(
      'find' => '/cat',
      'replace' => 'dog',
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'whole' => TRUE,
      ->execute('The /cat went to the park.', 'The /cat went to the park.', $settings);
      ->execute('/cat', 'dog', $settings);
      ->execute('/Cat', 'dog', $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperFindReplaceREGEXTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'find_replace_regex';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Find Replace Regex',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Find Replace Regex" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'find' => '/cat/',
      'replace' => 'dog',
      'limit' => '',
      ->execute('The cat went to the park.', 'The dog went to the park.', $settings);
    $settings['find'] = '/cat/i';
      ->execute('The Cat went to the park.', 'The dog went to the park.', $settings);
    $settings['find'] = '/cat\\b/i';
      ->execute('The Catwent to the park.', 'The Catwent to the park.', $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperHashTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'hash';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Hash',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Calculate hash" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $item = array(
      'title' => 'Yay title!',
      'body' => 'Yay body!',
      'hash' => 'asdfasf',
    $settings = array(
      'override' => TRUE,
      ->executeHash($item, md5(serialize($item)), $settings);

    // Test override = FALSE.
    $settings['override'] = FALSE;
      ->executeHash($item, 'asdfasf', $settings);
  public function executeHash($input, $output, $settings) {
    $source = $this
    $source->batch->items[] = $input;
      ->callback($source, 0, 'hash', $source->batch->items[0]['hash'], $settings);
      ->assertIdentical($source->batch->items[0]['hash'], $output);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperHTMLEntityEncodeTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'html_entity_encode';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: HTML Entity Encode',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "HTML Entity Encode" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
      ->execute('<html>asdfsadfasf<b>asfasf</b></html>', '&lt;html&gt;asdfsadfasf&lt;b&gt;asfasf&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/html&gt;');


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperHTMLEntityDecodeTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'html_entity_decode';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: HTML Entity Decode',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "HTML Entity Decode" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
      ->execute('&lt;html&gt;asdfsadfasf&lt;b&gt;asfasf&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/html&gt;', '<html>asdfsadfasf<b>asfasf</b></html>');


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperImplodeTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'implode';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Implode',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Implode" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'glue' => ',',
    ), 'a,b,c', $settings);
    $settings = array(
      'glue' => ',%s',
    ), 'a, b, c', $settings);
    $settings = array(
      'glue' => ',%t',
    ), "a,\tb,\tc", $settings);
    $settings = array(
      'glue' => ',%n',
    ), "a,\nb,\nc", $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperKeyWordFilterTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'keyword_filter';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Keyword Filter',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Keyword Filter" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $item = array(
      'title' => 'This is a title',
      'body' => 'hello body',

    // Test stripos(), filter.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'booya',
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => FALSE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(), 'title', $settings);

    // Test stripos(), pass.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'this',
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => FALSE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(
    ), 'title', $settings);

    // Test strpos(), filter.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'this',
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'case_sensitive' => TRUE,
      'invert' => FALSE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(), 'title', $settings);

    // Test exact, filter.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'a title',
      'word_boundaries' => TRUE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => FALSE,
      'exact' => TRUE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(), 'title', $settings);

    // Test exact, filter.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'This is a title',
      'word_boundaries' => TRUE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => FALSE,
      'exact' => TRUE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(
    ), 'title', $settings);

    // Test word boundaries.
    $item = array(
      'title' => 'This is atitle',
      'body' => 'hello body',
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'title',
      'word_boundaries' => TRUE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => FALSE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(), 'title', $settings);

    // Test invert = TRUE.
    $item = array(
      'title' => 'This is a title',
      'body' => 'hello body',

    // Test stripos() pass.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'booya',
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => TRUE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(
    ), 'title', $settings);

    // Test stripos() filter.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'this',
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => TRUE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(), 'title', $settings);

    // Test strpos(), pass.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'this',
      'word_boundaries' => FALSE,
      'case_sensitive' => TRUE,
      'invert' => TRUE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(
    ), 'title', $settings);

    // Test exact, pass.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'a title',
      'word_boundaries' => TRUE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => TRUE,
      'exact' => TRUE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(
    ), 'title', $settings);

    // Test exact, filter.
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'This is a title',
      'word_boundaries' => TRUE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => TRUE,
      'exact' => TRUE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(), 'title', $settings);

    // Test word boundaries, pass.
    $item = array(
      'title' => 'This is atitle',
      'body' => 'hello body',
    $settings = array(
      'words' => 'title',
      'word_boundaries' => TRUE,
      'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
      'invert' => TRUE,
      ->executeKey($item, array(
    ), 'title', $settings);
  public function executeKey($item, $output, $element_key, $settings) {
    $source = $this
    $source->batch->items[] = $item;
      ->callback($source, 0, NULL, $source->batch->items[0][$element_key], $settings);
      ->assertEqual($source->batch->items, $output);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperMathTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'math';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Math',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Math" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'operation' => 'addition',
      'value' => '2',
      ->execute(2, 4, $settings);
    $settings['operation'] = 'subtraction';
      ->execute(2, 0, $settings);
    $settings['operation'] = 'multiplication';
      ->execute(2, 4, $settings);
    $settings['operation'] = 'division';
      ->execute(2, 1, $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperNumberFormatTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'number_format';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Format a number',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Format a number" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'decimals' => '0',
      'dec_point' => '.',
      'thousands_sep' => ',',
    $num = '1234.56';
      ->execute($num, '1,235', $settings);

    // French notation.
    $settings['decimals'] = '2';
    $settings['thousands_sep'] = ' ';
    $settings['dec_point'] = ',';
      ->execute($num, '1 234,56', $settings);
    $num = 1234.5678;
    $settings['thousands_sep'] = '';
    $settings['dec_point'] = '.';
      ->execute($num, '1234.57', $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperRequiredTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'required';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Required',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Required" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function executeReq($input, $output, $source) {
    $source_ = $this
    $source_->batch->items = $input;
    foreach ($source_->batch->items as $key => &$item) {
      foreach ($item as $element_key => &$i) {
        if ($source == $element_key) {
            ->callback($source_, $key, $element_key, $i, array());
      ->assertEqual($source_->batch->items, $output);
  public function test() {
    $input = array();
    $input[] = array(
      's1' => 'sdafasf',
      's2' => 'asdfsf',
      's3' => 'asdfasf',
    $input[] = array(
      's1' => 'sdafasf',
      's2' => 'asdfsf',
      's3' => NULL,
    $input[] = array(
      's1' => 'sdafasf',
      's2' => 'asdfsf',
      's3' => 'asdfasf',
    $output = $input;
      ->executeReq($input, $output, 's3');


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperRewriteTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'rewrite';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Rewrite',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Rewrite" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function executeRew($input, $output, $source_key, $settings) {
    $source = $this
    $source->batch->items = array(
      ->callback($source, 0, $source_key, $source->batch->items[0][$source_key], $settings);
      ->assertEqual($source->batch->items[0][$source_key], $output);
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'text' => '[title] - [body]',
    $input = array(
      'title' => 'HI YA!',
      'body' => "I'm the coolest.",
      'combined' => 'Blah, blah, blah',
      ->executeRew($input, "HI YA! - I'm the coolest.", 'combined', $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperStripTagsTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'strip_tags';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Strip Tags',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for the "Strip Tags" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
      ->execute('sdfsdfsdfsdf<b>sdfsdf</b>sdfsdf', 'sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf', array(
      'allowed_tags' => NULL,
      ->execute('sdfsdfsdfsdf<b>sdfsdfsdfsdf', 'sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf', array(
      'allowed_tags' => NULL,
      ->execute('sdfsdfsdfsdf<i>sdfsdf</i><b>sdfs</b>dfsdfsdf', 'sdfsdfsdfsdf<i>sdfsdf</i>sdfsdfsdfsdf', array(
      'allowed_tags' => '<i>',


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperStrPadTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'str_pad';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Pad a string',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Pad a string" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'pad_length' => '10',
      'pad_string' => '',
      'pad_type' => STR_PAD_RIGHT,
      ->execute('hi', 'hi        ', $settings);
    $settings['pad_type'] = STR_PAD_LEFT;
      ->execute('hi', '        hi', $settings);
    $settings['pad_type'] = STR_PAD_RIGHT;
    $settings['pad_string'] = '0';
    $settings['pad_length'] = '5';

    // Can't use 1.0 since 1.0 == 1.000
      ->execute('A.0', 'A.000', $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperStrToTimeTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'strtotime';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: String to Unix Timestamp',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for the "String to Unix Timestamp" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
      ->execute('1986-05-09 04:00:00 GMT', 515995200);
      ->execute('May 9, 1986 04:00:00 GMT', 515995200);
      ->execute('Fri, 09 May 1986 04:00:00 GMT', 515995200);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperTimeToDateTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'timetodate';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Unix timestamp to Date',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for the "Unix timestamp to Date" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'date_format' => "\\I\\t'\\s g \\o'\\c\\l\\o\\c\\k \\J\\i\\m\\.",

    // Use mktime() so that test works in different timezones.
      ->execute(mktime(7), "It's 7 o'clock Jim.", $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperTrimTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'trim';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Trim',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Trim" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    $settings = array(
      'side' => 'trim',
      ->execute('  asdfasf  ', 'asdfasf', $settings);
    $settings['side'] = 'ltrim';
      ->execute('  asdfasf  ', 'asdfasf  ', $settings);
    $settings['side'] = 'rtrim';
      ->execute('  asdfasf  ', '  asdfasf', $settings);
    $settings['side'] = 'trim';
    $settings['mask'] = '$';
      ->execute('$$asdfasf$$', 'asdfasf', $settings);


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperTruncateTextTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'truncate_text';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Truncate Text',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Truncate Text" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
      ->execute('Hello, how are you today?', 'Hello', array(
      'num_char' => 5,
      'ellipses' => FALSE,
      ->execute('Hello, how are you today?', 'H ...', array(
      'num_char' => 5,
      'ellipses' => TRUE,
      ->execute('Hello', 'Hello', array(
      'num_char' => 5,
      'ellipses' => TRUE,


 * Tests for
class FeedsTamperUniqueTestCase extends FeedsTamperUnitTestCase {
  protected $plugin_id = 'unique';
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins: Unique',
      'description' => 'Unit tests for "Unique" plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds Tamper',
  public function test() {
    ), array(
    ), array(
