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feeds_imagegrabber.module in Feeds Image Grabber 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6 feeds_imagegrabber.module

Grabs images for items imported using the feeds module.

Grabs images for each feed item from their respective web pages and stores them in an image field.

Requires the Feeds module.


View source

 * @file
 * Grabs images for items imported using the feeds module.
 * Grabs images for each feed item from their respective web pages and stores
 * them in an image field.
 * Requires the Feeds module.




 * Implements hook_menu().
function feeds_imagegrabber_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/config/content/feeds_imagegrabber'] = array(
    'title' => 'Feeds Image Grabber',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'description' => 'Configure default options for Feeds Image Grabber',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
function feeds_imagegrabber_form_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($importer_id = feeds_get_importer_id($form['#node']->type)) {

    // Use the values from $form_state if available
    if (isset($form_state['values']['feeds_imagegrabber'])) {
      $settings = $form_state['values']['feeds_imagegrabber'];
    elseif (!isset($form['#node']->nid) || ($settings = feeds_imagegrabber_get_settings($form['#node']->nid)) === FALSE) {
      $settings = feeds_imagegrabber_get_default_settings();
    $form['feeds_imagegrabber'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Feeds Image Grabber'),
      '#tree' => TRUE,
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    feeds_imagegrabber_form($form, $settings);
    $form['#validate'][] = 'feeds_imagegrabber_form_validate';

 * Validates the feeds_imagegrabber form of the node.
function feeds_imagegrabber_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['values']['feeds_imagegrabber']['enabled'] == 1) {
    $id_class = $form_state['values']['feeds_imagegrabber']['id_class'];
    $id_class_desc = $form_state['values']['feeds_imagegrabber']['id_class_desc'];
    if ($id_class) {
      if (!isset($id_class_desc) || empty($id_class_desc) || $id_class_desc == '') {
        form_set_error('feeds_imagegrabber][id_class_desc', "Specify the id/class of the desired tag.");
      if ($id_class == 1 && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*$/', $id_class_desc)) {
        form_set_error('feeds_imagegrabber][id_class_desc', "Only alphabets, digits, hyphens and underscores are allowed in HTML id");
      elseif ($id_class == 2 && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9- ]*$/', $id_class_desc)) {
        form_set_error('feeds_imagegrabber][id_class_desc', "Only alphabets, digits, hyphens, spaces and underscores are allowed in HTML class");
    else {
      form_set_value($form['feeds_imagegrabber']['id_class_desc'], '', $form_state);
    $temp = $form_state['values']['feeds_imagegrabber']['exec_time'];
    if (!is_numeric($temp) || $temp < 10 || $temp != round($temp) || $temp > 75) {
      form_set_error('feeds_imagegrabber][exec_time', t('Select the correct option for FIG execution time.'));

 * Implements hook_node_insert().
function feeds_imagegrabber_node_insert($node) {

 * Implements hook_node_update().
function feeds_imagegrabber_node_update($node) {
  if ($importer_id = feeds_get_importer_id($node->type)) {
    if (isset($node->feeds_imagegrabber['enabled']) && $node->feeds_imagegrabber['enabled']) {
      $settings = array(
        'enabled' => $node->feeds_imagegrabber['enabled'],
        'id_class' => $node->feeds_imagegrabber['id_class'],
        'id_class_desc' => $node->feeds_imagegrabber['id_class_desc'],
        'exec_time' => $node->feeds_imagegrabber['exec_time'],
        'feeling_lucky' => $node->feeds_imagegrabber['feeling_lucky'],
        'feed_nid' => $node->nid,
    else {
        'enabled' => 0,
        ->condition('feed_nid', $node->nid)

 * Implements hook_node_delete().
function feeds_imagegrabber_node_delete($node) {
    ->condition('feed_nid', $node->nid)




 * Implements hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().
 * @see FeedsNodeProcessor::getMappingTargets().
function feeds_imagegrabber_feeds_processor_targets_alter(&$targets, $entity_type, $bundle_name) {
  foreach (field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle_name) as $name => $instance) {
    $info = field_info_field($name);
    if (in_array($info['type'], array(
    ))) {
      $targets[$name . ':fig'] = array(
        'name' => check_plain($instance['label']) . ' (FIG)',
        'callback' => 'feeds_imagegrabber_feeds_set_target',
        'description' => t('The @label field of the node.', array(
          '@label' => $instance['label'],

 * Callback for mapping. Here is where the actual mapping happens.
function feeds_imagegrabber_feeds_set_target($source, $entity, $target, $page_url) {
  if (empty($page_url)) {
  $feed_nid = $entity->feeds_item->feed_nid;
  $settings = feeds_imagegrabber_get_settings($feed_nid);

  // Fall back to the defaults.
  if (!$settings) {
    $settings = feeds_imagegrabber_get_default_settings();
  if (!$settings || !$settings['enabled']) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!feeds_imagegrabber_include_library('', 'feeds_imagegrabber')) {
    watchdog('feeds_imagegrabber', 'url conversion script is missing. ', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR, 'admin/reports/dblog/feeds_imagegrabber');
    return FALSE;
  list($field_name) = explode(':', $target);
  list($entity_id, $vid, $bundle_name) = entity_extract_ids($entity->feeds_item->entity_type, $entity);
  $instance_info = field_info_instance($entity->feeds_item->entity_type, $field_name, $bundle_name);
  $info = field_info_field($field_name);
  $max_filesize = parse_size(file_upload_max_size());
  if (!empty($instance_info['settings']['max_filesize']) && parse_size($instance_info['settings']['max_filesize']) < $max_filesize) {
    $max_filesize = parse_size($instance_info['settings']['max_filesize']);
  $max_exec_time = ini_get('max_execution_time');
  $timeout = $max_exec_time == 0 ? 10 : $settings['exec_time'] * $max_exec_time / 100;
  $page_time = timer_read('page') / 1000;
  if (function_exists('encode_url')) {
    $page_url = encode_url($page_url);
  if (valid_url($page_url)) {
    $xml = feeds_imagegrabber_webpage_scraper($page_url, $settings['id_class'], $settings['id_class_desc'], $timeout);
    if ($xml == FALSE) {
    $timeout = $timeout - timer_read('page') / 1000 + $page_time;
    $options = array(
      'max_imagesize' => $max_filesize,
      'timeout' => $timeout,
      'feeling_lucky' => $settings['feeling_lucky'],
      'cardinality' => $info['cardinality'],
    $images = feeds_imagegrabber_scrape_images($xml, $page_url, $settings, $options);
    if ($images == FALSE || count($images) <= 0) {
    $images = array_reverse($images, TRUE);
    $data = array();
    if (!empty($entity->uid)) {
      $data[$entity->feeds_item->entity_type] = $entity;
    $field = isset($entity->{$field_name}) ? $entity->{$field_name} : array();
    $target_dir = file_field_widget_uri($info, $instance_info, $data);
    $image_count = 0;
    foreach ($images as $url => $size) {

      // We don't need to pass an encoded url to feeds.
      // Feeds will handle encoding spaces for retrieval and replacing spaces
      // with underscores when saving to the file system.
      $url = rawurldecode($url);
      $enclosure = new FeedsEnclosure($url, 'application/octet-stream');
      if (($file = $enclosure
        ->getFile($target_dir)) && ($file = feeds_imagegrabber_is_image($file)) && !count(feeds_imagegrabber_widget_file_validator($file, $instance_info))) {
        $field['und'][$image_count] = (array) $file;
        $field['und'][$image_count]['display'] = 1;
        if ($image_count == $info['cardinality']) {
    if ($image_count) {
      $entity->{$field_name} = $field;




 * Retrieve settings for a feed node from the database.
 * @param $feed_nid
 *   The nid of the feed node.
 * @return
 *   An array of settings or FALSE if settings not found.
function feeds_imagegrabber_get_settings($feed_nid) {
  $settings = db_query("SELECT enabled, id_class, id_class_desc, feeling_lucky, exec_time FROM {feeds_imagegrabber} WHERE feed_nid = :feed_nid", array(
    ':feed_nid' => $feed_nid,
  return $settings;

 * Retrieve the default settings for a feed node from the database.
 * @return
 *   An array of settings.
function feeds_imagegrabber_get_default_settings() {
  $default = array(
    'enabled' => 0,
    'id_class' => 0,
    'id_class_desc' => '',
    'exec_time' => 10,
    'feeling_lucky' => 0,
  return variable_get('feeds_imagegrabber', $default);

 * Implementation of the default settings admin form.
function feeds_imagegrabber_admin($form, &$form_state) {
  $form = array();
  $settings = feeds_imagegrabber_get_default_settings();
  $form['feeds_imagegrabber'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Default Settings'),
    '#tree' => TRUE,
    '#collapsible' => FALSE,
  feeds_imagegrabber_form($form, $settings);
  $form['#validate'][] = 'feeds_imagegrabber_form_validate';
  return system_settings_form($form);

 * Appends the form with the Feeds Image Grabber form using the passed default
 * settings.
 * @param $form
 *   The form to append under the 'feeds_imagegrabber' fieldset.
 * @param $default_settings
 *   The default values of the form elements.
function feeds_imagegrabber_form(&$form, $default_settings) {
  $form['feeds_imagegrabber']['enabled'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Enable Feeds Image Grabber'),
    '#description' => t('Check if you want to download images from URL of the feed items.'),
    '#default_value' => $default_settings['enabled'],
  $form['feeds_imagegrabber']['id_class'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Search for the images between the tag which is identified by'),
    '#options' => array(
      t('None, search the whole web-page for the images.'),
      t('an Id'),
      t('a Class'),
    '#default_value' => $default_settings['id_class'],
  $form['feeds_imagegrabber']['id_class_desc'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('<i>Id</i> or <i>Class</i> of the HTML tag (Leave empty if you selected <i>None</i> above.)'),
    '#default_value' => $default_settings['id_class_desc'],
    '#description' => t('Separate multiple classes with spaces (as present in the HTML)'),
    '#maxlength' => 100,
  $form['feeds_imagegrabber']['feeling_lucky'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Feeling lucky, huh?'),
    '#options' => array(
      t('No, select the images based of their size (large to small) between the tag.'),
      t('Yes, select the images based on their position (top to bottom) between the tag. (Recommended)'),
    '#default_value' => $default_settings['feeling_lucky'],
  $form['feeds_imagegrabber']['exec_time'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Execution time[%]'),
    '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array(
    '#default_value' => $default_settings['exec_time'],
    '#description' => t('Select the percentage of maximum PHP execution time to take while grabbing images for a feed item.'),

 * Validates the size of an file accessible through a http url.
 * @param $file_url
 *   A string specifying the formatted file url.
 * @param $max_size
 *   Maximum size of the file to be downloaded.
 * @param $timeout
 *   A float representing the maximum number of seconds the function call may
 *   take. The default is 10 seconds. If a timeout occurs, the retuen code is
 *   set to the HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT constant.
 * @param $max_redirects
 *   An integer representing how many times a redirect may be followed.
 *   Defaults to 3.
 * @return
 *   An integer code containing filesize in case the file exists and conforms to
 *   the size limit, -1 otherwise.
function feeds_imagegrabber_validate_download_size($file_url, $max_size, $timeout = 10, $max_redirects = 3) {
  $options = array(
    'headers' => array(),
    'method' => 'HEAD',
    'data' => NULL,
    'max_redirects' => $max_redirects,
    'timeout' => $timeout,
  $result = drupal_http_request($file_url, $options);
  if ($result->code == 200 && isset($result->headers) && is_array($result->headers)) {

    //Bug #882992, some servers may return keys with different case.
    $headers = array_change_key_case($result->headers);
    if (isset($headers['content-length']) && $headers['content-length'] <= $max_size) {
      return $headers['content-length'];
  return -1;

 * Scrape the webpage using the id or the css class of a tag and returns the
 * HTML between the tag.
 * @param $page_url
 *   A string specifying the page url to scrape. If there is a redirect, it is
 *   changed to the redirect_url.
 * @param $itype
 *   A positive integer value representing the identifier type for the tag:
 *     - 0 : selects content between <body> </body>.
 *     - 1 : selects content between the tag identified by an ID.
 *     - 2 : selects content between the first tag identified by a CSS class.
 * @param $ivalue
 *   A string specifying the ID or the CSS class.
 * @param $timeout
 *   A float representing the maximum number of seconds the function call may
 *   take. The default is 15 seconds. If a timeout occurs, the retuen code is
 *   set to the HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT constant.
 * @param $max_redirects
 *   An integer representing how many times a redirect may be followed.
 *   Defaults to 3.
 * @param $error_log
 *   An array which contains the error codes and messages in case the functions
 *   fails.
 * @return
 *   FALSE on failure, OR content between the tags as XML on success.
function feeds_imagegrabber_webpage_scraper(&$page_url, $itype, $ivalue = '', $timeout = 15, $max_redirects = 3, &$error_log = array()) {
  $options = array(
    'headers' => array(),
    'method' => 'GET',
    'data' => NULL,
    'max_redirects' => $max_redirects,
    'timeout' => $timeout,
  $result = drupal_http_request($page_url, $options);
  if (isset($result->redirect_code) && in_array($result->redirect_code, array(
  ))) {
    $page_url = $result->redirect_url;
  if ($result->code != 200) {
    $error_log['code'] = $result->code;
    $error_log['error'] = "unable to retrieve content from web page";
    return FALSE;
  if (empty($result->data) || drupal_strlen($result->data) <= 0) {
    $error_log['code'] = -1;
    $error_log['error'] = "no data available on url";
    return FALSE;
  $doc = new DOMDocument();
  if (@$doc
    ->loadHTML($result->data) === FALSE) {
    $error_log['code'] = -2;
    $error_log['error'] = "unable to parse the html content";
    return FALSE;
  if ($itype == 0) {
    $items = @$doc
    if ($items != NULL && $items->length > 0) {
      $dist = $items
    else {
      $dist = NULL;
  elseif ($itype == 1) {
    $dist = @$doc
  elseif ($itype == 2) {
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);

    //Normalize whitespaces.
    $ivalue = preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', trim($ivalue));
    $items = $xpath
      ->query("//*[@class and contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '), ' {$ivalue} ')]");
    if ($items != NULL && $items->length > 0) {
      $dist = $items
    else {
      $dist = NULL;
  else {

    //not supported yet
    $dist = NULL;
  if ($dist == NULL) {
    $error_log['code'] = -3;
    $error_log['error'] = "tag not found";
    return FALSE;
  $content = '';
  if (($content = @$dist->ownerDocument
    ->saveXML($dist)) === FALSE) {
    $error_log['code'] = -4;
    $error_log['error'] = "error converting content to XML";
    return FALSE;
  return $content;

 * Scrape images from HTML/XML content.
function feeds_imagegrabber_scrape_images($content, $base_url, $settings, array $options = array(), &$error_log = array()) {

  // Merge the default options.
  $options += array(
    'expression' => "//img",
    'getsize' => TRUE,
    'max_imagesize' => 512000,
    'timeout' => 10,
    'max_redirects' => 3,
    'cardinality' => 1,
  $doc = new DOMDocument();
  if (@$doc
    ->loadXML($content) === FALSE && @$doc
    ->loadHTML($content) === FALSE) {
    $error_log['code'] = -5;
    $error_log['error'] = "unable to parse the xml//html content";
    return FALSE;
  $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
  $hrefs = @$xpath
  if ($options['getsize']) {
  $images = array();
  $imagesize = 0;
  for ($i = 0; $i < $hrefs->length; $i++) {
    $url = $hrefs
    if (!isset($url) || empty($url) || $url == '') {
    if (function_exists('encode_url')) {
      $url = encode_url($url);
    if (function_exists('url_to_absolute')) {
      $url = url_to_absolute($base_url, $url);
    if ($url == FALSE) {
    if ($options['getsize']) {
      if (($imagesize = feeds_imagegrabber_validate_download_size($url, $options['max_imagesize'], $options['timeout'] - timer_read(__FUNCTION__) / 1000)) != -1) {
        $images[$url] = $imagesize;
        if ($settings['feeling_lucky'] && count($images) == $options['cardinality']) {
      if ($options['timeout'] - timer_read(__FUNCTION__) / 1000 <= 0) {
        $error_log['code'] = HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
        $error_log['error'] = "timeout occured while scraping the content";
    else {
      $images[$url] = $imagesize;
      if ($settings['feeling_lucky'] && count($images) == $options['cardinality']) {
  return $images;

 * Checks that a file is an image.
 * This check allows the image formats identified by drupal i.e. jpeg, png, and
 * gif. If the filename is missing an extension but is a valid image, its actual
 * extension is added to it and the original file is renamed.
 * @param $file
 *   The file object.
 * @return
 *   The final file object, it may be modified or FALSE on failure.
function feeds_imagegrabber_is_image(&$file) {
  $extensions = 'jpeg jpg png gif';
  if ($file && ($filepath = $file->uri)) {
    $info = feeds_imagegrabber_get_image_info($filepath);
    if ($info && !empty($info['extension'])) {
      if (!count(file_validate_extensions($file, $extensions))) {
        return $file;
      else {
        $basename = basename($filepath);
        $directory = drupal_dirname($filepath);
        if ($pos = strrpos($basename, '.')) {
          $name = substr($basename, 0, $pos);
          $ext = substr($basename, $pos);
          $regex = '/\\.(' . preg_replace('/ +/', '|', preg_quote($extensions)) . ')/i';
          if (preg_match($regex, $ext, $matches)) {
            $ext = $matches[1];
          else {
            $ext = $info['extension'];
          $basename = $name . '.' . $ext;
        else {
          $basename .= '.' . $info['extension'];
        if ($basename == basename($filepath)) {
          return $file;
        $dest = file_create_filename($basename, $directory);
        if ($file = file_move($file, $dest)) {
          return $file;
  return FALSE;

 * Get the file info for in image file.
 * Drupal only supports GIF, JPG and PNG file formats.
 * This is similar to drupal's image_get_info() except the file need not be an
 * uploaded one.
 * @return
 *   FALSE, if the file could not be found or is not an image. Otherwise, a
 *   keyed array containing information about the image:
 *    'width'     - Width in pixels.
 *    'height'    - Height in pixels.
 *    'extension' - Commonly used file extension for the image.
 *    'mime_type' - MIME type ('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png').
function feeds_imagegrabber_get_image_info($file) {
  if (!is_file($file)) {
    return FALSE;
  $details = FALSE;
  $data = @getimagesize($file);
  if (isset($data) && is_array($data)) {
    $extensions = array(
      '1' => 'gif',
      '2' => 'jpg',
      '3' => 'png',
    $extension = array_key_exists($data[2], $extensions) ? $extensions[$data[2]] : '';
    $details = array(
      'width' => $data[0],
      'height' => $data[1],
      'extension' => $extension,
      'mime_type' => $data['mime'],
  return $details;

 * Includes a required library file.
 * @param $file
 *   The filename to load from.
 * @param $library
 *   The name of the library. If libraries module is installed, 
 *   feeds_imagegrabber_include_library() will look for libraries with this name
 *   managed by libraries module.
function feeds_imagegrabber_include_library($file, $library) {
  if (module_exists('libraries') && file_exists(libraries_get_path($library) . "/{$file}")) {
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . libraries_get_path($library) . "/{$file}";
    return TRUE;
  else {
    $paths = array(
      drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds_imagegrabber'),
      drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds_imagegrabber') . "/libraries",
    foreach ($paths as $library_path) {
      $path = $library_path . "/{$file}";
      if (file_exists($path)) {
        require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $path;
        return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Validate the file object with field instance specific validators.
 * @param $file
 *   The file object to be validated.
 * @param $instance
 *   The instance info of the image field.
 * @return
 *   An array containing the errors (if any) which occurs while running the
 *   validators.
function feeds_imagegrabber_widget_file_validator($file, $instance) {
  $settings = $instance['settings'];

  // Create the list of validators.
  $image_validators = array();
  $image_validators['file_validate_name_length'] = array();
  if ($settings['max_resolution'] || $settings['min_resolution']) {
    $image_validators['file_validate_image_resolution'] = array(
  $file_validators = file_field_widget_upload_validators(NULL, $instance);
  $validators = array_merge($file_validators, $image_validators);
  $errors = file_validate($file, $validators);
  return $errors;


Namesort descending Description
feeds_imagegrabber_admin Implementation of the default settings admin form.
feeds_imagegrabber_feeds_processor_targets_alter Implements hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().
feeds_imagegrabber_feeds_set_target Callback for mapping. Here is where the actual mapping happens.
feeds_imagegrabber_form Appends the form with the Feeds Image Grabber form using the passed default settings.
feeds_imagegrabber_form_node_form_alter Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
feeds_imagegrabber_form_validate Validates the feeds_imagegrabber form of the node.
feeds_imagegrabber_get_default_settings Retrieve the default settings for a feed node from the database.
feeds_imagegrabber_get_image_info Get the file info for in image file.
feeds_imagegrabber_get_settings Retrieve settings for a feed node from the database.
feeds_imagegrabber_include_library Includes a required library file.
feeds_imagegrabber_is_image Checks that a file is an image.
feeds_imagegrabber_menu Implements hook_menu().
feeds_imagegrabber_node_delete Implements hook_node_delete().
feeds_imagegrabber_node_insert Implements hook_node_insert().
feeds_imagegrabber_node_update Implements hook_node_update().
feeds_imagegrabber_scrape_images Scrape images from HTML/XML content.
feeds_imagegrabber_validate_download_size Validates the size of an file accessible through a http url.
feeds_imagegrabber_webpage_scraper Scrape the webpage using the id or the css class of a tag and returns the HTML between the tag.
feeds_imagegrabber_widget_file_validator Validate the file object with field instance specific validators.