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public function FeedsAtomRDFProcessor::process in Feeds Atom 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 plugins/ \FeedsAtomRDFProcessor::process()

Process the result of the parsing stage.


FeedsSource $source: Source information about this import.

FeedsParserResult $parser_result: The result of the parsing stage.


plugins/, line 21
Contains the feeds atom RDF processor class.


Creates nodes from feed items.


public function process(FeedsSource $source, FeedsParserResult $parser_result) {
  $state = $source
  while ($item = $parser_result
    ->shiftItem()) {
    if (!($entity_id = $this
      ->existingEntityId($source, $parser_result)) || $this->config['update_existing'] != FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING) {

      // Only proceed if item has actually changed.
      $hash = $this
      if (!empty($entity_id) && $hash == $this
        ->getHash($entity_id)) {
      try {

        // Assemble node, map item to it, save.
        if (empty($entity_id)) {
          $entity = $this
            ->newItemInfo($entity, $source->feed_nid, $hash);
        else {
          $entity = $this
            ->entityLoad($source, $entity_id);

          // The feeds_item table is always updated with the info for the most recently processed entity.
          // The only carryover is the entity_id.
            ->newItemInfo($entity, $source->feed_nid, $hash);
          $entity->feeds_item->entity_id = $entity_id;
        if (!empty($item['deleted'])) {
        else {
            ->map($source, $parser_result, $entity);

          // Set this boolean so that validate and save operations know this is
          // coming from Feeds Atom. This property is also declared in
          // feeds_atom_entity_property_info_alter() making the property available to Rules.
          $entity->feeds_atom_import = 1;

          // Allow modules to alter the entity before saving.
          module_invoke_all('feeds_presave', $source, $entity);
          if (module_exists('rules')) {
            rules_invoke_event('feeds_import_' . $source
              ->importer()->id, $entity);

          // Track progress.
          if (empty($entity_id)) {
          else {
      } catch (Exception $e) {
          ->getMessage(), 'warning');
        $message = $e
        $message .= '<h3>Original item</h3>';
        $message .= '<pre>' . var_export($item, TRUE) . '</pre>';
        $message .= '<h3>Entity</h3>';
        $message .= '<pre>' . var_export($entity, TRUE) . '</pre>';
          ->log('import', $message, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

  // Set messages if we're done.
  if ($source
    ->progressImporting() != FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE) {
  $info = $this
  $tokens = array(
    '@entity' => strtolower($info['label']),
    '@entities' => strtolower($info['label plural']),
  $messages = array();
  if ($state->deleted) {
    $messages[] = array(
      'message' => format_plural($state->deleted, 'Deleted @number @entity.', 'Deleted @number @entities.', array(
        '@number' => $state->deleted,
      ) + $tokens),
  if ($state->created) {
    $messages[] = array(
      'message' => format_plural($state->created, 'Created @number @entity.', 'Created @number @entities.', array(
        '@number' => $state->created,
      ) + $tokens),
  if ($state->updated) {
    $messages[] = array(
      'message' => format_plural($state->updated, 'Updated @number @entity.', 'Updated @number @entities.', array(
        '@number' => $state->updated,
      ) + $tokens),
  if ($state->failed) {
    $messages[] = array(
      'message' => format_plural($state->failed, 'Failed importing @number @entity.', 'Failed importing @number @entities.', array(
        '@number' => $state->failed,
      ) + $tokens),
      'level' => WATCHDOG_ERROR,
  if (empty($messages)) {
    $messages[] = array(
      'message' => t('There are no new @entities.', array(
        '@entities' => strtolower($info['label plural']),
  foreach ($messages as $message) {
      ->log('import', $message['message'], array(), isset($message['level']) ? $message['level'] : WATCHDOG_INFO);