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feeds_atom.module in Feeds Atom 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6 feeds_atom.module

Contains the main functionality for feeds_atom.


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 * @file
 * Contains the main functionality for feeds_atom.

 * Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().
function feeds_atom_entity_property_info_alter(&$info) {
  if (!empty($info['node']['properties'])) {
    $info['node']['properties']['feeds_atom_import'] = array(
      'label' => t('Feeds Atom Import'),
      'type' => 'boolean',
      'description' => t('A Boolean for whether this node is importing through Feeds Atom.'),

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
function feeds_atom_ctools_plugin_api($owner, $api) {
  if ($owner == 'feeds' && $api == 'plugins') {
    return array(
      'version' => 1,

 * Implements hook_feeds_plugins().
function feeds_atom_feeds_plugins() {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds_atom') . '/plugins';
  $info['FeedsAtomRDFParser'] = array(
    'name' => 'FeedsAtomRDF parser',
    'description' => 'Parse data in Atom RDF format.',
    'handler' => array(
      'parent' => 'FeedsParser',
      'class' => 'FeedsAtomRDFParser',
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path,
  $info['FeedsAtomRDFProcessor'] = array(
    'name' => 'FeedsAtomRDF Processing Stage',
    'description' => 'Process my stuff.',
    'help' => 'Processing stage of parsed data.',
    'handler' => array(
      'parent' => 'FeedsNodeProcessor',
      'class' => 'FeedsAtomRDFProcessor',
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path,
  return $info;

* @todo, update this for D7
* Implementation of hook_feeds_atom_rdf_map_alter().
* We implement this hook on behalf of the taxonomy module so that we can
* lazy-create terms as needed.  We only do so if the vocabulary the term is in
* already exists.  If the vocabulary doesn't exist, the incoming term is ignored.
* @param $target_item
*   The node that we are creating/editing.
* @param $source_item
*   The parsed data array from the feed.
* @return unknown_type
* /
function taxonomy_feeds_atom_rdf_map_alter(&$target_item, $source_item) {

 // @todo Check for consistency in taxonomy and taxonomy_vocabulary.
 // The coder module made automatic changes in the D6 to D7 update.

 if (empty($source_item['rdf']['taxonomy']) || !is_array($source_item['rdf']['taxonomy'])) {
   // Nothing to process

 // Zero out the taxonomy data that is already there, as it will break if we
 // try to save the node with it there.
 $target_item->taxonomy = array();

 // Process the term data.
 foreach ($source_item['rdf']['taxonomy'] as $source_term) {
   // Add new terms if they don't exist
   $vid = NULL;
   $tid = NULL;

   // Find the vocabulary.
   if (!empty($source_term['taxonomy_vocabulary'])) {
     // Features intergration: Features stores vocabulary machine name's in
     // module key prepended with features_
     if (module_exists('features')) {
       $machine_name = !empty($source_term['machine']) ? $source_term['machine'] : $source_term['taxonomy_vocabulary'];
       // Add in features_ if doesn't exist
       if (strpos($machine_name, 'features_') !== 0) {
         $machine_name = 'features_' . $machine_name;
       $vid = db_query("SELECT vid FROM {taxonomy_vocabulary} WHERE module = :module", array(':module' => strtolower($machine_name)))->fetchField();
     // Fallback to name matching if vid not found above.
     if (empty($vid)) {
       $vid = db_query("SELECT vid FROM {taxonomy_vocabulary} WHERE lower(name) = :lower(name)", array(':lower(name)' => strtolower($source_term['taxonomy_vocabulary'])))->fetchField();

   // See if the term already exists
   foreach (taxonomy_get_term_by_name($source_term['title']) as $term) {
     // if VID was not found but name matches or vid is term's vocabulary.
     if (empty($vid) || $vid == $term->vid) {
       $tid = $term->tid;
   // Create the new term if doesn't exist and know vocabulary
   if (empty($tid) && !empty($vid)) {
     $new_term = array(
       'vid' => $vid,
       'name' => $source_term['title'],
       'description' => $source_term['description'],
     taxonomy_term_save($term /* @todo Term object replaces array $new_term * /);
     $tid = $new_term['tid'];

   // Apply the term to the target node.
   if (!empty($tid)) {
     $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid, TRUE);
     $target_item->taxonomy[$term->tid] = $term;

* Implementation of hook_feeds_atom_set_target_element_value_alter().
function file_feeds_atom_set_target_element_value_alter(&$value, $field_name) {
  _file_feeds_atom_set_target_element_value_alter($value, $field_name, $field_type = 'file');

 * Implementation of hook_feeds_atom_set_target_element_value_alter().
function image_feeds_atom_set_target_element_value_alter(&$value, $field_name) {
  _file_feeds_atom_set_target_element_value_alter($value, $field_name, $field_type = 'image');

 * Helper function for hook_feeds_atom_set_target_element_value_alter().
 * Drupal 7 splits image and file fields. However, the needed hook logic is the same
 * for both.
function _file_feeds_atom_set_target_element_value_alter(&$value, $field_name, $field_type = 'file') {

  // Use static variables in combination with the FeedsEnclosureUnique class
  // to ensure that imported files are not downloaded more than once.
  static $enclosures = array();
  static $files = array();
  $field_info = field_info_field($field_name);
  if (!empty($value) && !empty($field_info['type']) && $field_info['type'] == $field_type) {
    foreach ($value as $language_key => $field_language_instances) {
      if ($language_key[0] === '#') {
      foreach ($field_language_instances as $i => $instance) {

        // This is only the case if the field in question is a filefield and
        // not the #attributes element.
        if (!empty($instance['full_url'])) {
          if (empty($enclosures[$instance['full_url']])) {

            // @todo D7 isn't actually doing anything yet to ensure uniqueness.
            $enclosures[$instance['full_url']] = new FeedsEnclosureUnique($instance['full_url'], $instance['filemime']);

            // @todo can't hardcode public
            $files[$instance['full_url']] = $enclosures[$instance['full_url']]
          $value[$language_key][$i] = (array) $files[$instance['full_url']] + $value[$language_key][$i];

 * Implements hook_file_delete().
function feeds_atom_file_delete($file) {

  // Clean up our extra tracking information.
  // @todo Please review the conversion of this statement to the D7 database API syntax.

  /* db_query("DELETE FROM {feeds_atom_file_import} WHERE fid = %d", $file->fid) */
    ->condition('fid', $file->fid)