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protected function FeedsCommonTrait::createFieldWithStorage in Feeds 8.3

Creates a field and an associated field storage.


string $field_name: The name of the field.

array $config: (optional) The field storage and instance configuration:

  • entity_type: (optional) the field's entity type. Defaults to 'node'.
  • bundle: (optional) the field's bundle. Defaults to 'article'.
  • type: (optional) the field's type. Defaults to 'text'.
  • label: (optional) the field's label. Defaults to the field's name + the string ' label'.
  • storage: (optional) additional keys for the field's storage.
  • field: (optional) additional keys for the field.
24 calls to FeedsCommonTrait::createFieldWithStorage()
BasicFieldSourceTest::testImportWithTaxonomyTermReferenceSource in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Source/BasicFieldSourceTest.php
Tests importing using a taxonomy term reference source.
BasicFieldSourceTest::testImportWithTextfieldSource in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Source/BasicFieldSourceTest.php
Tests importing using a text field source.
CsvParserTest::testAlterCsvSource in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Parser/CsvParserTest.php
Tests if data from a CSV file can be altered with an event subscriber.
CsvParserTest::testImportCsvWithNonMachineNameColumnNames in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Parser/CsvParserTest.php
Tests importing a CSV file with non machine name column names.
CsvParserTest::testMapCustomSource in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/Feeds/Parser/CsvParserTest.php
Tests adding a custom mapping source.

... See full list


tests/src/Traits/FeedsCommonTrait.php, line 82


Provides methods useful for Kernel and Functional Feeds tests.




protected function createFieldWithStorage($field_name, array $config = []) {
  $config += [
    'entity_type' => 'node',
    'bundle' => 'article',
    'type' => 'text',
    'label' => $field_name . ' label',
    'storage' => [],
    'field' => [],
  FieldStorageConfig::create($config['storage'] + [
    'field_name' => $field_name,
    'entity_type' => $config['entity_type'],
    'type' => $config['type'],
    'settings' => [],
  FieldConfig::create($config['field'] + [
    'entity_type' => $config['entity_type'],
    'bundle' => $config['bundle'],
    'field_name' => $field_name,
    'label' => $config['label'],