18 calls to FeedCreationTrait::getDefaultMappings() in Feeds 8.3
- BasicFieldSourceTest::testImportWithTaxonomyTermReferenceSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Source/ BasicFieldSourceTest.php - Tests importing using a taxonomy term reference source.
- ConfigEntityReferenceTest::testImportById in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ ConfigEntityReferenceTest.php - Tests importing config entity references by ID.
- ConfigEntityReferenceTest::testImportByLabel in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ ConfigEntityReferenceTest.php - Tests importing config entity references by label.
- ConfigEntityReferenceTest::testImportByUuid in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ ConfigEntityReferenceTest.php - Tests importing config entity references by UUID.
- DependencyTest::testFieldDependency in tests/
src/ Kernel/ DependencyTest.php - Tests dependency on a single field.
- EntityReferenceTest::testUpdatingMissingNodeAuthors in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ EntityReferenceTest.php - Tests if articles get an author later.
- EntityReferenceTest::testUpdatingMissingReferences in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ EntityReferenceTest.php - Tests if items are updated that previously referenced a missing item.
- EntityReferenceTest::testWithSingleReference in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ EntityReferenceTest.php - Tests if only a single entity is referenced per value.
- FeedCreationTrait::createFeedType in tests/
src/ Traits/ FeedCreationTrait.php - Creates a feed type with default settings.
- FeedsItemFormatterTestBase::createCsvFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldFormatter/ FeedsItemFormatterTestBase.php - Creates a feed type and feed using the CSV parser.
- FeedsItemTest::testUpdateItemWithFeedsItem in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsItemTest.php - Tests if an import succeeds when mapping to feeds_item.
- FieldValidationTest::testImportFieldWithAdminFilterFormatInUi in tests/
src/ Functional/ FieldValidationTest.php - Tests if a field with admin filter format can be imported using the UI.
- FieldValidationTest::testImportFieldWithAdminFilterFormatOnCron in tests/
src/ Functional/ FieldValidationTest.php - Tests if a field with admin filter format can be imported on cron.
- FieldValidationTest::testTextFieldValidation in tests/
src/ Functional/ FieldValidationTest.php - Tests text field validation.
- FileTest::testFullImportProcess in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ FileTest.php - Tests if an import succeeds when mapping files, both full and empty.
- MappingFormTest::testMissingTargetWarning in tests/
src/ Functional/ Form/ MappingFormTest.php - Tests that the mapping page is displayed with a missing target plugin.
- SourcePluginsTest::testAlterExtraSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ SourcePluginsTest.php - Tests if an extra source's value is alterable via the parse event.
- SourcePluginsTest::testUpdateOnChangeInExtraSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ SourcePluginsTest.php - Tests if an entity gets updated when a value in an extra source changes.