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7 calls to UserRoleTest::assertHasRole() in Feeds 8.3

UserRoleTest::testImportByRoleLabels in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Target/UserRoleTest.php
Tests mapping to role by role label.
UserRoleTest::testNoRevokeRoles in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Target/UserRoleTest.php
Tests if no roles are revoked if the option "Revoke roles" is disabled.
UserRoleTest::testRevokeRoles in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Target/UserRoleTest.php
Tests that roles can be revoked and that only allowed roles are revoked.
UserRoleTest::testRoleCreationUsingLabel in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Target/UserRoleTest.php
Tests automatically creating new roles based on label.
UserRoleTest::testWithAllowedRoles in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Target/UserRoleTest.php
Tests mapping to role using only allowed roles.
UserRoleTest::testWithoutRoleCreation in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Target/UserRoleTest.php
Tests mapping to role without automatically creating new roles.
UserRoleTest::testWithRoleCreation in tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Target/UserRoleTest.php
Tests mapping to role with automatically creating new roles.