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public function TranslationTest::testImportTranslationForExistingNode in Feeds 8.3

Tests importing a translation for an existing node.

This test creates a node with a Dutch translation. It then imports a translation for an other language: Spanish. It is then expected that the Dutch translation is kept.


tests/src/Kernel/Feeds/Target/TranslationTest.php, line 343


Test for the entity field translation.




public function testImportTranslationForExistingNode() {

  // Create a node with Dutch values. Set a value for feed item's
  // guid, even though the node was not originally imported with Feeds.
    'type' => 'article',
    'title' => 'HALLO WERELD',
    'field_alpha' => 'Dit is de bodytekst.',
    'langcode' => 'nl',
    'feeds_item' => [
      'guid' => 1,
      'target_id' => 1,

  // Set to update existing nodes.
  $configuration = $this->feedType
  $configuration['update_existing'] = ProcessorInterface::UPDATE_EXISTING;

  // Remove mapping to 'normal' title.

  // And add Spanish mappings.

  // Update this item with Feeds.
    ->resourcesPath() . '/csv/translation/content_es.csv');

  // Assert that a Spanish translation was created.
  $node = Node::load(1);
  $spanish_translation = $node
    ->assertEquals('HOLA MUNDO', $spanish_translation->title->value);
    ->assertEquals('Este es el texto del cuerpo.', $spanish_translation->field_alpha->value);
    ->assertEquals($node->uid->value, $spanish_translation->uid->value);
  $spanish_referenced_entities = $spanish_translation->field_tags
  $spanish_translation_first_tag = reset($spanish_referenced_entities);
    ->assertEquals('Termino de taxonomía', $spanish_translation_first_tag->name->value);

  // Assert that Dutch values still exist.
  $dutch_translation = $node
    ->assertEquals('HALLO WERELD', $dutch_translation->title->value);
    ->assertEquals('Dit is de bodytekst.', $dutch_translation->field_alpha->value);