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public function FeedsItemTargetEntityFormatterTest::testFeedsItemTargetEntityFormatter in Feeds 8.3

Tests the feeds target entity view formatter.

@covers \Drupal\feeds\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\FeedsItemTargetEntityFormatter::viewElements


tests/src/Functional/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/FeedsItemTargetEntityFormatterTest.php, line 34


Tests feeds_item_target_entity_view field formatter.




public function testFeedsItemTargetEntityFormatter() {
  $feed = $this

  // Add a text field to the feed that is displayed on the feed entity in the
  // default view mode.
  $feed = $this

  // Test the oneliner field we added to the feed is getting rendered along
  // with the feed entity.
  $expected_rendered_oneliner_label = '<div>Witty one liner label</div>';
  $expected_rendered_oneliner_field = 'He is not only from medieval Japan, but also from an alternate universe, so naturally he speaks English!';

  // Create an article with a reference to the feed.
  $article = $this

  // Display the article and test we are getting correct output for target
  // feed entity.
  $display = $this->container
    ->getEntityTypeId(), $article
    ->bundle(), 'default');
  $content = $display
  $rendered_content = $this->container

  // Make sure field of the target feed item are rendering as expected.
    ->assertStringContainsString($expected_rendered_oneliner_label, (string) $rendered_content);
    ->assertStringContainsString($expected_rendered_oneliner_field, (string) $rendered_content);