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7 calls to FeedListBuilderTest::assertNoWarnings() in Feeds 8.3

FeedListBuilderTest::testUi in tests/src/Functional/FeedListBuilderTest.php
Tests the feed listing page with admin privileges.
FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithNoFeeds in tests/src/Functional/FeedListBuilderTest.php
Tests the feed listing page when there are no feeds yet.
FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyClearPermissions in tests/src/Functional/FeedListBuilderTest.php
Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only clear feeds.
FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyImportPermissions in tests/src/Functional/FeedListBuilderTest.php
Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only import feeds.
FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyScheduleImportPermissions in tests/src/Functional/FeedListBuilderTest.php
Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only schedule imports.
FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyUpdatePermissions in tests/src/Functional/FeedListBuilderTest.php
Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only update feeds.
FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyViewPermissions in tests/src/Functional/FeedListBuilderTest.php
Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only view feeds.