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7 calls to FeedsMapperTestCase::assertNodeFieldValue() in Feeds 7.2

FeedsMapperDateTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_date.test
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperFieldTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_field.test
Basic test loading a double entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperFieldTestCase::testClearOutValues in tests/feeds_mapper_field.test
Tests if values are cleared out when an empty value is provided.
FeedsMapperLinkTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_link.test
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperLinkTestCase::testClearOutValues in tests/feeds_mapper_link.test
Tests if values are cleared out when an empty value or no value is provided.
FeedsMapperNodeSummaryTestCase::assertNodeSummaryValues in tests/feeds_mapper_summary.test
Checks that the nodes match the imported values.
FeedsMapperNodeSummaryTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_summary.test
Tests importing CSV files for text fields with summary.