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23 calls to FeedsWebTestCase::addMappings() in Feeds 6

FeedsCSVtoTermsTest::test in tests/feeds_processor_term.test
Test node creation, refreshing/deleting feeds and feed items.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::test in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Test node creation, refreshing/deleting feeds and feed items.
FeedsMapperContentTaxonomyTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_content_taxonomy.test
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperContentTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_content.test
Basic test loading a doulbe entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperDateTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_date.test
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperEmailTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_email.test
Basic test loading a doulbe entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperEmfieldTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_emfield.test
Basic test loading a doulbe entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperFileFieldTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_filefield.test
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperLinkTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_link.test
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperLocaleTestCase::setUp in tests/feeds_mapper_locale.test
Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the page requests will run on the new prefix.…
FeedsMapperLocaleTestCase::testInheritLanguage in tests/feeds_mapper_locale.test
Test inheriting language from the feed node.
FeedsMapperNodereferenceTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_nodereference.test
Basic test loading an rss file.
FeedsMapperOGTestCase::setUp in tests/feeds_mapper_og.test
Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the page requests will run on the new prefix.…
FeedsMapperOGTestCase::testInheritOG in tests/feeds_mapper_og.test
Test inheriting groups from the feed node.
FeedsMapperProfileTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_profile.test
Basic test loading a doulbe entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::setUp in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the page requests will run on the new prefix.…
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testInheritTaxonomy in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Test inheriting taxonomy from the feed node.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testRSSCategoriesToTaxonomy in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Test aggregating RSS categories to taxonomy.
FeedsRSStoDataTest::test in tests/feeds_processor_data.test
Test node creation, refreshing/deleting feeds and feed items.
FeedsRSStoNodesTest::setUp in tests/feeds_processor_node.test
Set up test.
FeedsRSStoNodesTest::test in tests/feeds_processor_node.test
Test node creation, refreshing/deleting feeds and feed items.
FeedsSchedulerTestCase::testScheduling in tests/feeds_scheduler.test
Test scheduling on cron.
FeedsSitemapParserTestCase::test in tests/feeds_parser_sitemap.test
Run tests.