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public function FeedsDrushCommands::listFeeds in Feeds 8.3

Display all feeds using a drush command.

@command feeds:list-feeds @aliases feeds-lf @field-labels feed_type: Feed type fid: Feed ID title: Title imported: Last imported next: Next import source: Feed source item_count: Item count state: Status @option limit Limit the number of feeds to show in the list. Optional. @option enabled Show only enabled feeds. @option disabled Show only disabled feeds. @usage feeds:list-feeds @usage feeds:list-feeds my_feed_type @usage feeds:list-feeds --limit=10 @usage feeds:list-feeds --limit=10 my_feed_type


string $feed_type: The name of the feed type whose instances will be listed. Optional.

array $options: A list of options for this command. See below.

Return value

\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields Tabular data, that can be processed by drush.





src/Commands/FeedsDrushCommands.php, line 53


Defines Drush commands for the Feeds module.




public function listFeeds($feed_type = '', array $options = [
  'limit' => 0,
  'enabled' => FALSE,
  'disabled' => FALSE,
  'format' => 'table',
]) {
  $entityQuery = \Drupal::entityQuery('feeds_feed');
  if (!empty($feed_type)) {
      ->condition('type', $feed_type);
  if ($options['enabled']) {
      ->condition('status', TRUE);
  elseif ($options['disabled']) {
      ->condition('status', FALSE);
  if ($options['limit'] > 0) {
      ->range(0, $options['limit']);
  $feeds = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

  // Loop through all retrieved feed entities and prepare them for display in
  // the formatted table.
  $tableData = [];

  /** @var \Drupal\feeds\FeedInterface $feed */
  foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
      ->id()] = [
      'feed_type' => $feed
      'fid' => $feed
      'title' => $feed
      'imported' => $feed
        ->getImportedTime() ? date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $feed
        ->getImportedTime()) : $this
      'next' => $feed
        ->getNextImportTime() > 0 ? date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $feed
        ->getNextImportTime()) : $this
        ->t('Not scheduled'),
      'source' => $feed
      'item_count' => $feed
      'state' => $feed
        ->isActive() ? $this
        ->t('Enabled') : $this

  // Render $tableData in a renderable table for drush.
  return new RowsOfFields($tableData);