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public function FeedsDrushCommands::importFeed in Feeds 8.3

Import a feed specified by its id.

@command feeds:import @aliases feeds-im @option import-disabled Also import feed if it is not active. @usage feeds:import 1


int $fid: The id of the feed which should get imported.

array $options: A list of options for this command. See below.


\Exception In case something went wrong when importing the feed.


src/Commands/FeedsDrushCommands.php, line 190


Defines Drush commands for the Feeds module.




public function importFeed($fid = NULL, array $options = [
  'import-disabled' => FALSE,
]) {
  if (empty($fid)) {
    throw new \Exception($this
      ->t('Please specify the ID of the feed you want to import.'));
  $feed = $this

  // Check if the feed we got is valid.
  if ($feed instanceof FeedInterface) {

    // Only import feed if it is either active, or the user specifically wants
    // to import the feed regardless of its active state.
    if (!$feed
      ->isActive() && !$options['import-disabled']) {
      throw new \Exception($this
        ->t('The specified feed is disabled. If you want to force importing, specify --import-disabled.'));
    if (!$this
      ->t('Do you really want to import the feed ":label" (id :id)?', [
      ':label' => $feed
      ':id' => $fid,
    ]))) {
      throw new UserAbortException();

    // User has confirmed importing, start import!
  else {
    throw new \Exception($this
      ->t('There is no feed with id :id', [
      ':id' => $fid,