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protected function FeedsUserProcessor::entityValidate in Feeds 7.2

Validates a user account.

Overrides FeedsProcessor::entityValidate


plugins/, line 102
Contains FeedsUserProcessor.


Feeds processor plugin. Create users from feed items.


protected function entityValidate($account, FeedsSource $source = NULL) {
  if (empty($account->name) || empty($account->mail) || !valid_email_address($account->mail)) {
    throw new FeedsValidationException(t('User name missing or email not valid.'));

  // Check when an user ID gets set or changed during processing if that user
  // ID is not already in use.
  $uid_is_set = FALSE;
  if (!empty($account->uid)) {
    $is_new = !empty($account->feeds_item->is_new);
    $different = !empty($account->feeds_item->entity_id) && $account->feeds_item->entity_id != $account->uid;
    if ($is_new || $different) {

      // Flag that an user ID is explicitly set. This will skip the
      // validations for existing user name and mail address defined below.
      $uid_is_set = TRUE;

      // Check if the given user ID already exists.
      $exists = entity_load_unchanged('user', $account->uid);
      if ($exists) {
        throw new FeedsValidationException(t('Could not update user ID to @uid since that ID is already in use.', array(
          '@uid' => $account->uid,

  // Look for other validation constraints.
  $errors = array();

  // Validate the user name.
  if ($error = user_validate_name($account->name)) {
    $errors[] = $error;

  // Check for an existing user name, unless an user ID is explicitly set.
  if (!$uid_is_set && (bool) db_select('users')
    ->fields('users', array(
    ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '<>')
    ->condition('name', db_like($account->name), 'LIKE')
    ->range(0, 1)
    ->fetchField()) {
    $errors[] = t("The name '@name' is already taken.", array(
      '@name' => $account->name,

  // Check for an existing mail address, unless an user ID is explicitly set.
  if (!$uid_is_set && (bool) db_select('users')
    ->fields('users', array(
    ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '<>')
    ->condition('mail', db_like($account->mail), 'LIKE')
    ->range(0, 1)
    ->fetchField()) {
    $errors[] = t("The e-mail address '@email' is already taken.", array(
      '@email' => $account->mail,

  // Timezone validation.
  if (!empty($account->timezone) && !array_key_exists($account->timezone, system_time_zones())) {
    $errors[] = t("Failed importing '@name'. User's timezone is not valid.", array(
      '@name' => $account->name,
  if (!empty($errors)) {
    throw new FeedsValidationException(implode("\n", $errors));