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13 calls to FeedsProcessor::entityType() in Feeds 7.2

FeedsProcessor::bundleOptions in plugins/
Provides a list of bundle options for use in select lists.
FeedsProcessor::configDefaults in plugins/
Overrides FeedsConfigurable::configDefaults().
FeedsProcessor::configForm in plugins/
Returns configuration form for this object.
FeedsProcessor::entityInfo in plugins/
Wrapper around entity_get_info().
FeedsProcessor::entityLoad in plugins/
Loads an existing entity.
FeedsProcessor::entityValidate in plugins/
Validates an entity.
FeedsProcessor::existingEntityId in plugins/
Retrieve the target entity's existing id if available. Otherwise return 0.
FeedsProcessor::expiryQuery in plugins/
Returns a database query used to select entities to expire.
FeedsProcessor::getHookTargets in plugins/
Allows other modules to expose targets.
FeedsProcessor::loadItemInfo in plugins/
Loads existing entity information and places it on $entity->feeds_item.
FeedsProcessor::map in plugins/
Execute mapping on an item.
FeedsProcessor::newItemInfo in plugins/
Adds Feeds specific information on $entity->feeds_item.
FeedsProcessor::validateFields in plugins/
Validates fields of an entity.