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14 calls to FeedsProcessor::entityInfo() in Feeds 7.2

FeedsNodeProcessor::entityInfo in plugins/
Implements parent::entityInfo().
FeedsProcessor::clear in plugins/
Removes all imported items for a source.
FeedsProcessor::configDefaults in plugins/
Overrides FeedsConfigurable::configDefaults().
FeedsProcessor::configForm in plugins/
Returns configuration form for this object.
FeedsProcessor::dependencies in plugins/
Overrides FeedsPlugin::dependencies().
FeedsProcessor::entityLoad in plugins/
Loads an existing entity.
FeedsProcessor::entityValidate in plugins/
Validates an entity.
FeedsProcessor::expiryQuery in plugins/
Returns a database query used to select entities to expire.
FeedsProcessor::getMappingTargets in plugins/
Declare possible mapping targets that this processor exposes.
FeedsProcessor::newEntity in plugins/
Create a new entity.
FeedsProcessor::process in plugins/
Process the result of the parsing stage.
FeedsProcessor::validateConfig in plugins/
Validates the configuration.
FeedsTermProcessor::entityInfo in plugins/
Implements parent::entityInfo().
FeedsUserProcessor::entityInfo in plugins/
Implements parent::entityInfo().