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public function FeedsProcessor::bundle in Feeds 7.2

Bundle type this processor operates on.

Defaults to the entity type for entities that do not define bundles.

Return value

string|null The bundle type this processor operates on, or NULL if it is undefined.

12 calls to FeedsProcessor::bundle()
FeedsNodeProcessor::existingEntityId in plugins/
Get nid of an existing feed item node if available.
FeedsNodeProcessor::getMappingTargets in plugins/
Return available mapping targets.
FeedsNodeProcessor::languageOptions in plugins/
Overrides parent::languageOptions().
FeedsNodeProcessor::newEntity in plugins/
Creates a new node in memory and returns it.
FeedsNodeProcessor::setTargetElement in plugins/
Override setTargetElement to operate on a target item that is a node.

... See full list


plugins/, line 63
Contains FeedsProcessor and related classes.


Abstract class, defines interface for processors.


public function bundle() {
  return $this->config['bundle'];