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6 calls to FeedsPlugin::loadMappers() in Feeds 7.2

FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testAllowedVocabularies in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Tests that only term references are added from allowed vocabularies.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testSearchByGUID in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Tests mapping to a taxonomy term's guid.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testSearchByID in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Tests mapping to taxonomy terms by tid.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testTermAccess in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Tests if terms can be mapped when term access modules are enabled.
FeedsParser::getMappingSources in plugins/
Declare the possible mapping sources that this parser produces.
FeedsProcessor::getHookTargets in plugins/
Allows other modules to expose targets.