8 string references to 'FeedsCSVParser' in Feeds 7
- FeedsCSVtoTermsTest::test in tests/
feeds_processor_term.test - Test node creation, refreshing/deleting feeds and feed items.
- FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::test in tests/
feeds_processor_user.test - Test node creation, refreshing/deleting feeds and feed items.
- FeedsMapperContentTestCase::test in tests/
feeds_mapper_content.test - Basic test loading a doulbe entry CSV file.
- FeedsMapperEmfieldTestCase::test in tests/
feeds_mapper_emfield.test - Basic test loading a doulbe entry CSV file.
- FeedsMapperProfileTestCase::test in tests/
feeds_mapper_profile.test - Basic test loading a doulbe entry CSV file.
- FeedsUIUserInterfaceTestCase::testEditFeedConfiguration in feeds_ui/
tests/ feeds_ui.test - UI functionality tests on feeds_ui_overview(), feeds_ui_create_form(), Change plugins on feeds_ui_edit_page().
- feeds_import_feeds_importer_default in feeds_import/
feeds_import.feeds_importer_default.inc - Implementation of hook_feeds_importer_default().
- _feeds_feeds_plugins in ./
feeds.plugins.inc - Break out for feeds_feed_plugins().