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namespace Drupal\feeds in Feeds 8.3

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.2 Drupal\feeds
Classsort descending Location Description
EntityFinder src/EntityFinder.php Searches for existing entities by a certain field.
EntityFinderInterface src/EntityFinderInterface.php Interface for the Feeds entity finder service.
FeedAccessControlHandler src/FeedAccessControlHandler.php Defines an access controller for the feeds_feed entity.
FeedClearHandler src/FeedClearHandler.php Deletes the items of a feed.
FeedExpireHandler src/FeedExpireHandler.php Expires the items of a feed.
FeedForm src/FeedForm.php Form controller for the feed edit forms.
FeedHandlerBase src/FeedHandlerBase.php Provides a base class for entity handlers.
FeedImportHandler src/FeedImportHandler.php Runs the actual import on a feed.
FeedInterface src/FeedInterface.php Provides an interface defining a feeds_feed entity.
FeedListBuilder src/FeedListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a listing of feed entities.
FeedsBatchBase src/FeedsBatchBase.php Base class for batched feeds tasks.
FeedsBatchBatch src/FeedsBatchBatch.php A batch task for the batch API.
FeedsBatchExecutable src/FeedsBatchExecutable.php Import feeds using the batch API.
FeedsBatchInterface src/FeedsBatchInterface.php Interface for Feeds batched tasks.
FeedsDirectBatch src/FeedsDirectBatch.php A batch task to be executed directly.
FeedsExecutable src/FeedsExecutable.php Defines a feeds executable class.
FeedsExecutableInterface src/FeedsExecutableInterface.php Defines an interface for importing feeds.
FeedsItemInterface src/FeedsItemInterface.php Defines an interface for the link field item.
FeedsPermissions src/FeedsPermissions.php Defines a class containing permission callbacks.
FeedsQueueBatch src/FeedsQueueBatch.php A batch task for the queue API.
FeedsQueueExecutable src/FeedsQueueExecutable.php Import feeds using the queue API.
FeedStorage src/FeedStorage.php Controller class for Feed entities.
FeedStorageInterface src/FeedStorageInterface.php Defines an interface for feed entity storage classes.
FeedTypeAccessControlHandler src/FeedTypeAccessControlHandler.php Defines an access controller for the feeds_feed_type entity.
FeedTypeForm src/FeedTypeForm.php Form controller for the feed type edit forms.
FeedTypeInterface src/FeedTypeInterface.php Provides an interface defining a feeds feed type entity.
FeedTypeListBuilder src/FeedTypeListBuilder.php Provides a listing of feed types.
FeedViewBuilder src/FeedViewBuilder.php Render controller for feeds feed items.
FeedViewsData src/FeedViewsData.php Provides the views data for the feeds_feed entity type.
FieldTargetDefinition src/FieldTargetDefinition.php Provides a field definition wrapped over a field definition.
MissingTargetDefinition src/MissingTargetDefinition.php Definition for a missing target.
State src/State.php Status of the import or clearing operation of a Feed.
StateInterface src/StateInterface.php Status of the import or clearing operation of a Feed.
SubscriptionInterface src/SubscriptionInterface.php Provides an interface defining a feeds_subscription entity.
TargetDefinition src/TargetDefinition.php A generic target definition.
TargetDefinitionInterface src/TargetDefinitionInterface.php Interface for describing target data.