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namespace Drupal\feeds\Plugin\Type in Feeds 8.3

Classsort descending Location Description
CleanableInterface src/Plugin/Type/CleanableInterface.php Interface for plugins that need to perform cleanup tasks after processing.
ClearableInterface src/Plugin/Type/ClearableInterface.php Interface for plugins that store information related to a feed.
ConfigurablePluginBase src/Plugin/Type/ConfigurablePluginBase.php Base class for Feeds plugins that have configuration forms.
ExternalPluginFormBase src/Plugin/Type/ExternalPluginFormBase.php Base class for Feeds plugins that have external configuration forms.
ExternalPluginFormInterface src/Plugin/Type/ExternalPluginFormInterface.php Interface for Feeds plugins that have an external form.
FeedsAnnotationFactory src/Plugin/Type/FeedsAnnotationFactory.php Plugin factory which uses the plugin definition to find arguments.
FeedsPluginInterface src/Plugin/Type/FeedsPluginInterface.php Interface that all Feeds plugins must implement.
FeedsPluginManager src/Plugin/Type/FeedsPluginManager.php Manages Feeds plugins.
LockableInterface src/Plugin/Type/LockableInterface.php Interface for plugins that want to lock their configuration.
MappingPluginFormInterface src/Plugin/Type/MappingPluginFormInterface.php Interface for Feeds plugins that hook into the mapping form.
PluginBase src/Plugin/Type/PluginBase.php The base class for the fetcher, parser, and processor plugins.