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6 calls to FeedsMapperTestBase::createContentType() in Feeds 8.2

FeedsMapperDateMultipleTest::test in lib/Drupal/feeds/Tests/FeedsMapperDateMultipleTest.php
Testing import by loading a 4 item XML file.
FeedsMapperDateTest::test in lib/Drupal/feeds/Tests/FeedsMapperDateTest.php
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperFieldTest::test in lib/Drupal/feeds/Tests/FeedsMapperFieldTest.php
Basic test loading a double entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperFileTest::test in lib/Drupal/feeds/Tests/FeedsMapperFileTest.php
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperFileTest::testImages in lib/Drupal/feeds/Tests/FeedsMapperFileTest.php
Tests mapping to an image field.
FeedsMapperLinkTest::test in lib/Drupal/feeds/Tests/FeedsMapperLinkTest.php
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.