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public function FeedsSourceInterface::hasSourceConfig in Feeds 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 includes/ \FeedsSourceInterface::hasSourceConfig()
  2. 7 includes/ \FeedsSourceInterface::hasSourceConfig()

Crutch: for ease of use, we implement FeedsSourceInterface for every plugin, but then we need to have a handle which plugin actually implements a source.

Return value

TRUE if a plugin handles source specific configuration, FALSE otherwise.

See also

FeedsPlugin class.

1 method overrides FeedsSourceInterface::hasSourceConfig()
FeedsPlugin::hasSourceConfig in plugins/
Returns TRUE if $this->sourceForm() returns a form.


includes/, line 24
Definition of FeedsSourceInterface and FeedsSource class.


Declares an interface for a class that defines default values and form descriptions for a FeedSource.


public function hasSourceConfig();