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Utility functions in Feeds 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 feeds.module \utility
  2. 6 feeds.module \utility
  3. 7 feeds.module \utility


./feeds.module, line 1037
Feeds - basic API functions and hook implementations.


Namesort descending Location Description
feeds_cache_clear ./feeds.module Resets importer caches. Call when enabling/disabling importers.
feeds_dbg ./feeds.module Logs to a file like /tmp/feeds_my_domain_org.log in temporary directory.
feeds_enabled_importers ./feeds.module Gets an array of enabled importer ids.
feeds_export ./feeds.module Exports a FeedsImporter configuration to code.
feeds_get_importer_id ./feeds.module Gets an enabled importer configuration by content type.
feeds_importer_load_all ./feeds.module Loads all importers.
feeds_importer_name_sort ./feeds.module Sorts importers by name.
feeds_item_info_insert ./feeds.module Inserts an item info object into the feeds_item table.
feeds_item_info_load ./feeds.module Loads an item info object.
feeds_item_info_save ./feeds.module Inserts or updates an item info object in the feeds_item table.
feeds_log ./feeds.module Writes to feeds log.
_feeds_importer_digest ./feeds.module Helper function for feeds_get_importer_id() and feeds_enabled_importers().