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9 string references to 'feeds_source' in Feeds 8.2

FeedsNodeProcessor::existingEntityId in lib/Drupal/feeds/Plugin/feeds/processor/FeedsNodeProcessor.php
Get nid of an existing feed item node if available.
FeedsNodeProcessor::setTargetElement in lib/Drupal/feeds/Plugin/feeds/processor/FeedsNodeProcessor.php
Override setTargetElement to operate on a target item that is a node.
FeedsSource::save in lib/Drupal/feeds/FeedsSource.php
Save configuration.
feeds_news_feeds_importer_default in feeds_news/
Implementation of hook_feeds_importer_default().
feeds_rules_event_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_event_info().
feeds_update_7100 in ./feeds.install
Rename feeds_source.batch to feeds_source.state, add slot for caching fetcher result.
feeds_update_7201 in ./feeds.install
Add imported timestamp to feeds_source table.
feeds_update_7206 in ./feeds.install
Change state and fetcher_result fields from text to blob.
feeds_update_7207 in ./feeds.install
Change config fields from text to big blobs.