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9 string references to 'feeds_importer' in Feeds 6

FeedsImporter::load in includes/
Load configuration and unpack.
FeedsImporter::save in includes/
Save configuration.
feeds_cache_clear in ./feeds.module
Resets importer caches. Call when enabling/disabling importers.
feeds_export in ./feeds.module
Exports a FeedsImporter configuration to code.
feeds_importer_load_all in ./feeds.module
Loads all importers.
feeds_schema in ./feeds.install
Implements hook_schema().
feeds_ui_create_form_validate in feeds_ui/
Validation handler for feeds_build_create_form().
feeds_update_6002 in ./feeds.install
Rename table.
feeds_update_6003 in ./feeds.install
Add primary keys to feeds_importer and feeds_source.