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18 uses of FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE in Feeds 7.2

FeedsProcessor::clear in plugins/
Removes all imported items for a source.
FeedsProcessor::process in plugins/
Process the result of the parsing stage.
FeedsSource::clear in includes/
Remove all items from a feed.
FeedsSource::import in includes/
Import a source: execute fetching, parsing and processing stage.
FeedsSource::progressImporting in includes/
Report progress as float between 0 and 1. 1 = FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE.
FeedsSource::pushImport in includes/
Imports a fetcher result all at once in memory.
FeedsSource::scheduleClear in includes/
Schedule background clearing tasks.
FeedsSource::scheduleExpire in includes/
Schedule background expire tasks.
FeedsSource::scheduleImport in includes/
Schedule periodic or background import tasks.
FeedsSourceTest::testProgrammaticImport in tests/FeedsSourceTest.test
Tests if two sources can be imported in the same request.
FeedsState::progress in includes/
Safely report progress.
FeedsState::__construct in includes/
Constructor, initialize variables.
feeds_batch in ./feeds.module
Batch API worker callback. Used by FeedsSource::startBatchAPIJob().
feeds_delete_tab_form in ./
Render a feeds delete form.
feeds_import_form in ./
Render a feeds import form on import/[config] pages.
feeds_import_tab_form in ./
Render a feeds import form on node/id/import pages.
feeds_source_status in ./
Renders a status display for a source.
feeds_unlock_tab_form in ./
Render a feeds unlock form.