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10 uses of FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE in Feeds 6

FeedsBatch::getProgress in includes/
Report progress.
FeedsClearBatch::__construct in includes/
FeedsDataProcessor::expire in plugins/
Implement expire().
FeedsImportBatch::__construct in includes/
FeedsNodeProcessor::clear in plugins/
Implementation of FeedsProcessor::clear().
FeedsNodeProcessor::expire in plugins/
Implement expire().
FeedsNodeProcessor::process in plugins/
Implementation of FeedsProcessor::process().
FeedsProcessor::expire in plugins/
Delete feed items younger than now - $time. Do not invoke expire on a processor directly, but use FeedsImporter::expire() instead.
FeedsSource::clear in includes/
Remove all items from a feed.
FeedsSource::import in includes/
Import a feed: execute fetching, parsing and processing stage.