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17 calls to feedapi_get_settings() in FeedAPI 6

FeedAPIErrorTestsCase::testFeedAPI_Invalid_URL in tests/feedapi_error.test
FeedAPINodeTestsCase::testFeedAPI_Node in feedapi_node/tests/feedapi_node.test
Add a content-type, create a feed and refresh it. Check if everything seems ok Delete the feed Check if the rubbish is purged as well. Use simplified form to create a feed
FeedAPINodeTestsCase::testKeepNodeSettingsAtUpdate in feedapi_node/tests/feedapi_node.test
Checks if the node updates by feedapi_node do not alter basic node options
FeedAPIRevisionTestsCase::testFeedAPI_Node_Revisions in tests/feedapi_revision.test
Checks if the revision support works correctly
feedapi_create_node in ./feedapi.module
Create a feedapi node programatically.
feedapi_drush_parse in ./
Invokes the parser and displays the output
feedapi_enabled_type in ./feedapi.module
Determines wether feedapi is enabled for given node type. If parser or processor is passed in, this function determines wether given parser or processor is enabled for given node type.
feedapi_expire in ./feedapi.module
Delete expired items and return informations about the feed refreshing
feedapi_form_alter in ./feedapi.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
feedapi_nodeapi in ./feedapi.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
feedapi_update_6106 in ./feedapi.install
Convert checked to next_refresh_time and consolidate skip and next_refresh_time, add an index on next_refresh_time, make next_refresh_time unsigned.
feedapi_update_6107 in ./feedapi.install
Convert refresh_time values to new constants FEEDAPI_CRON_NEVER_REFRESH and FEEDAPI_CRON_ALWAYS_REFRESH.
FeedAPUploadTestsCase::testFileUploadAbility in tests/feedapi_upload.test
Test the file upload form
_feedapi_build_feed_object in ./feedapi.module
Builds feed object ready to be sticked onto node.
_feedapi_insert in ./feedapi.module
Insert feedapi data to the DB when it's a new for for FeedAPI
_feedapi_invoke_refresh in ./feedapi.module
Helper function for feedapi_invoke(). Refresh the feed, call the proper parsers and processors' hooks. Don't call this function directly, use feedapi_refresh() instead.
_feedapi_store_settings in ./feedapi.module
Stores settings per content type or per node.