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public static function FeedImportMultiFilter::createFunction in Feed Import 7.3

Creates a function dynamically. Warning! This uses eval!


string $name: Function name

string $args: Function args

string $body: Function body

Return value

mixed TRUE if created or an error message if failed


feed_import_base/inc/, line 183
This file contains filter related classes.


This class is used to apply several filters to a value in a quick way.


public static function createFunction($name, $args, $body) {
  if (!$name || $name[0] != '_') {
    return "Invalid function name '{$name}'! Function name must start with an underscore.";
  if (!preg_match('/^_[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $name)) {
    return "Invalid function name '{$name}'! You can use only alphanumeric chars and underscores.";
  if (function_exists($name)) {
    return "Function '{$name}' is already defined! You cannot redeclare a function.";
  if (preg_match('/\\?>.*<\\?/i', $body)) {
    return "Body for function '{$name}' is not well formated! You cannot open/close PHP tags.";

  // Create PHP code for eval.
  $code = "function {$name}({$args}) {\n      {$body};\n    }\n    return TRUE;";

  // Show errors, te be available for ob.
  $de = @ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);

  // Do not log these errors.
  $le = @ini_set('log_errors', FALSE);
  $created = eval($code);
  $err = trim(ob_get_clean());

  // Restore ini values
  $de !== FALSE && ini_set('display_errors', $de);
  $le !== FALSE && ini_set('log_errors', $le);
  if ($err) {
    return "Could not create function '{$name}'! {$err}";
  elseif ($created === TRUE && function_exists($name)) {
    return TRUE;
  return "Could not create function '{$name}'!";