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  1. 7

Feed import class for parsing and processing content.

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 * @file
 * Feed import class for parsing and processing content.
class FeedImport {

   * A report about import process
   * -rescheduled
   * -updated
   * -new
   * -total
   * -time
   * -download
   * -errors
  public static $report = array();

   * Feed import load feeds settings
   * @param bool $enabled
   *   Load only enabled feeds
   * @param mixed $id
   *   Load feed by id or machine name
   * @return array
   *   Feeds info
  public static function loadFeeds($enabled = FALSE, $id = NULL) {
    static $feeds = NULL;
    static $enabled_feeds = NULL;
    if ($id == NULL) {
      if ($feeds != NULL) {
        return $enabled ? $enabled_feeds : $feeds;
      $feeds = db_select('feed_import_settings', 'f')
        ->fields('f', array(
        ->orderBy('enabled', 'DESC')
      foreach ($feeds as $name => &$feed) {
        $feed = (array) $feed;
        $feed['entity_info'] = unserialize($feed['entity_info']);
        $feed['xpath'] = unserialize($feed['xpath']);
        if ($feed['enabled']) {
          $enabled_feeds[$name] =& $feed;
      return $enabled ? $enabled_feeds : $feeds;
    else {
      $feed = db_select('feed_import_settings', 'f')
        ->fields('f', array(
        ->condition((int) $id ? 'id' : 'machine_name', $id, '=')
        ->range(0, 1)
      if ($feed) {
        $feed = (array) reset($feed);
        $feed['entity_info'] = unserialize($feed['entity_info']);
        $feed['xpath'] = unserialize($feed['xpath']);
        return $feed;
      else {
        return NULL;

   * Save/update a feed
   * @param array $feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @param bool $update
   *   Update feed if true, save if false
  public static function saveFeed($feed, $update = FALSE) {
    if ($update) {
        'enabled' => $feed['enabled'],
        'name' => $feed['name'],
        'machine_name' => $feed['machine_name'],
        'url' => $feed['url'],
        'time' => $feed['time'],
        'entity_info' => serialize($feed['entity_info']),
        'xpath' => serialize($feed['xpath']),
        ->condition('id', $feed['id'], '=')
    else {
        'enabled' => $feed['enabled'],
        'name' => $feed['name'],
        'machine_name' => $feed['machine_name'],
        'url' => $feed['url'],
        'time' => $feed['time'],
        'entity_info' => serialize($feed['entity_info']),
        'xpath' => serialize($feed['xpath']),

   * Gets info about entities and fields
   * @param string $entity
   *   Entity name
   * @return array
   *   Info about entities
  public static function getEntityInfo($entity = NULL) {
    static $fields = NULL;
    if (empty($fields)) {
      $info = array();
      $fields = _field_info_collate_fields(FALSE);
      if (isset($fields['fields'])) {
        $fields = $fields['fields'];
      foreach ($fields as &$field) {
        $info[$field['field_name']] = array(
          'name' => $field['field_name'],
          'column' => key($field['columns']),
          'bundles' => array_keys($field['bundles']),
        $field = NULL;
      $fields = entity_get_info();
      foreach ($fields as $key => &$field) {
        if (empty($field['schema_fields_sql']['base table']) || !is_array($field['schema_fields_sql']['base table']) || empty($field['entity keys']['id'])) {
        $field = array(
          'name' => $key,
          'column' => $field['entity keys']['id'],
          'columns' => $field['schema_fields_sql']['base table'],
        $field['columns'] = array_combine($field['columns'], array_fill(0, count($field['columns']), NULL));
        foreach ($info as &$f) {
          if (in_array($key, $f['bundles'])) {
            $field['columns'][$f['name']] = $f['column'];
    if (!$entity) {
      return $fields;
    else {
      return isset($fields[$entity]) ? $fields[$entity] : NULL;

   * Returns all available functions for processing a feed.
  public static function processFunctions() {
    static $functions = NULL;
    if ($functions != NULL) {
      return $functions;
    $functions = module_invoke_all('feed_import_process_info');

    // Well, check if functions really exists.
    foreach ($functions as $alias => &$func) {
      if (is_array($func['function'])) {
        if (!method_exists($func['function'][0], $func['function'][1])) {
      else {
        if (!function_exists($func['function'])) {
    return $functions;

   * Error handler callback
   * This is setted with set_error_handling()
  public static function errorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $file, $line) {

    // How many errors to display.
    $errors_left =& drupal_static(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, 100);

    // Handle silenced errors with @.
    if (error_reporting() == 0) {
      return FALSE;

    // Add error to reports.
    if ($errors_left > 0) {
      self::$report['errors'][] = array(
        'error' => $errmsg,
        'error number' => $errno,
        'line' => $line,
        'file' => $file,

    // Throw an exception to be caught by a try-catch statement.
    throw new Exception('Uncaught Feed Import Exception', $errno);

   * This function is choosing process function and executes it
   * @param array $feed
   *   Feed info array
  public static function processFeed(array $feed) {

    // Reset report.
    self::$report = array(
      'rescheduled' => 0,
      'updated' => 0,
      'new' => 0,
      'total' => 0,
      'start' => time(),
      'time' => 0,
      'parse' => 0,
      'errors' => array(),

    // Check if entity save/load functions exists.
    if (self::checkFunctions($feed['entity_info']['#entity'])) {

      // Alter feed info before process.
      drupal_alter('feed_import_feed_info', $feed);

      // Set language as first element.
      if (isset($feed['xpath']['#items']['language'])) {
        $feed['xpath']['#items'] = array_merge(array(
          'language' => NULL,
        ), $feed['xpath']['#items']);

      // Set error handler.
      $func = $feed['xpath']['#process_function'];
      $functions = self::processFunctions();
      if (!$func || !isset($functions[$func])) {

        // Get first function if there's no specified function.
        $func = self::processFunctions();
        $func = reset($func);
      else {
        $func = $functions[$func];
      $func = $func['function'];

      // Get property temp name to store hash value.
      self::$tempHash = variable_get('feed_import_hash_property', self::$tempHash);

      // Reset generated hashes
      self::$generatedHashes = array();

      // Give import time (for large imports).
      // Well, if safe mode is on this cannot be done so it may break import.
      if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {

      // Prepare filters.
      $param = variable_get('feed_import_field_param_name', '[field]');
      foreach ($feed['xpath']['#items'] as &$item) {
        self::prepareFilters($item['#filter'], $param);
        self::prepareFilters($item['#pre_filter'], $param);

      // Call process function to get processed items.
      $items = call_user_func($func, $feed);

      // Parse report.
      self::$report['parse'] = time();

      // Save items.
      if (!empty($items)) {
        self::saveEntities($feed, $items);

      // Restore error handler.
    else {

      // Report that vital functions are missing.
      self::$report['errors'][] = array(
        'error' => t('Missing @entity_save() or @entity_load() function!', array(
          '@entity' => $feed['entity_info']['#entity'],
        'error number' => '',
        'line' => '',
        'file' => '',

      // This will produce 0 seconds for parse.
      self::$report['parse'] = self::$report['start'];

    // Set total time report.
    self::$report['time'] = time() - self::$report['start'];
    self::$report['parse'] -= self::$report['start'];

   * Deletes items by entity id
   * @param array $eids
   *   Entity ids keyed by entity name
  public static function deleteItemsbyEntityId(array $eids) {
    if (empty($eids)) {
    $chunk = variable_get('feed_import_update_ids_chunk', 1000);
    $q_delete = db_delete('feed_import_hashes');
    $conditions =& $q_delete
    foreach ($eids as $entity => &$ids) {
        ->condition('entity', $entity, '=');
      $ids = array_chunk($ids, $chunk);
      foreach ($ids as &$id) {
          ->condition('entity_id', $id, 'IN')

        // Remove last IN condition.
        $id = NULL;
      $ids = NULL;

      // Remove entity condition.

   * Delete entity by type and ids
   * @param string $type
   *   Entity type (node, user, ...)
   * @param array $ids
   *   Array of entity ids
   * @return array
   *   Array of deleted ids
  public static function entityDelete($type, $ids) {
    $func = $type . '_delete_multiple';
    if (function_exists($func)) {
      try {
        call_user_func($func, $ids);
      } catch (Exception $e) {
        return array();
      return $ids;
    else {
      $func = $type . '_delete';
      if (function_exists($func)) {
        foreach ($ids as $k => &$id) {
          try {
            call_user_func($func, $id);
          } catch (Exception $e) {
        return $ids;
    unset($type, $ids);
    return array();

   * Get expired items
   * @param int $limit
   *   Limit the number of returned items
   * @return array
   *   Array keyed with entity names and value entity_ids
  public static function getExpiredItems($limit = NULL) {
    $results = db_select('feed_import_hashes', 'f')
      ->fields('f', array(
      ->condition('expire', array(
    ), 'BETWEEN');
    if ($limit !== NULL) {
        ->range(0, $limit);
    $results = $results
    if (empty($results)) {
      return $results;
    $res = array();
    foreach ($results as &$result) {
      $res[$result->entity][] = $result->entity_id;
      $result = NULL;
    return $res;

   * Get value with xpath
   * @param SimpleXMLElement &$item
   *   Simplexmlobject to apply xpath on
   * @param string $xpath
   *   Xpath to value
   * @return mixed
   *   A string or array of strings as a result of xpath function
  public static function getXpathValue(&$item, $xpath) {

    // Get values and handle xpath exceptions.
    try {
      $values = $item
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return NULL;

    // Xpath gave no values return null.
    if (!$values) {
      return NULL;

    // Get the number of values.
    $count = count($values);
    $i = -1;
    while (++$i < $count) {

      // Get each value.
      $values[$i] = (string) $values[$i][0];

    // Return value or an array of values.
    return $count == 1 ? $values[0] : $values;

   * Creates a hash using uniq, feed machine name and entity type
   * @param string $uniq
   *   Unique item
   * @param string $feed_machine
   *   Feed machine name
   * @param string $entity
   *   Entity name
   * @return string
   *   Hash value
  protected static function createHash($uniq, $feed_machine, $entity) {
    return md5($uniq . '/' . $feed_machine . '/' . $entity);

   * Gets entity ids from a hashes
   * @param array &$hashes
   *   Array of hashes
   * @return array
   *   Fetched hashes in database
  protected static function getEntityIdsFromHash(array &$hashes) {
    return db_select('feed_import_hashes', 'f')
      ->fields('f', array(
      ->condition('hash', $hashes, 'IN')

   * Checks if a variable has content
   * @param mixed $var
   *   Variable to check
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if there is content FALSE otherwise
  public static function hasContent(&$var) {
    if (is_scalar($var)) {
      return (string) $var !== '';
    return !empty($var);

   * Default actions when result is empty
  public static function getDefaultActions() {
    return array(
      'default_value' => t('Provide a default value'),
      'default_value_filtered' => t('Provide a filtered default value'),
      'ignore_field' => t('Ignore this field'),
      'skip_item' => t('Skip importing this item'),

  // Current created entity.
  public static $current = NULL;

   * Create Entity object
   * @param array &$feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @param object &$item
   *   Current SimpleXMLElement object
   * @return object
   *   Created Entity
  public static function createEntity(&$feed, &$item) {

    // Create new object to hold fields values.
    $entity = new stdClass();

    // Reference current entity.
    self::$current = $entity;

    // Check if items must be monitorized and saved in hashes table.
    if ($feed['xpath']['#uniq']) {

      // Check if item already exists.
      $uniq = self::getXpathValue($item, $feed['xpath']['#uniq']);

      // Hash item can be a property so we must extract it.
      if (is_array($uniq)) {
        $uniq = isset($uniq[0]) ? $uniq[0] : reset($uniq);

      // Create a hash to identify this item in bd.
      $entity->{self::$tempHash} = self::createHash($uniq, $feed['machine_name'], $feed['entity_info']['#entity']);

      // Add to hashes array.
      self::$generatedHashes[] = $entity->{self::$tempHash};
    else {
      $entity->{self::$tempHash} = NULL;

    // Set default language, this can be changed by language item.
    $entity->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;

    // Get all fields.
    foreach ($feed['xpath']['#items'] as &$field) {
      $i = 0;
      $aux = '';
      $count = count($field['#xpath']);

      // Loop through xpaths until we have data, otherwise use default value.
      while ($i < $count) {
        if (!$field['#xpath'][$i]) {
        $aux = self::getXpathValue($item, $field['#xpath'][$i]);
        if ($field['#pre_filter']) {
          $pfval = self::applyFilter($aux, $field['#pre_filter']);

          // If item doesn't pass prefilter than go to next option.
          if (!self::hasContent($pfval)) {

        // If filter passed prefilter then apply filter and exit while loop.
        if (self::hasContent($aux)) {
          if ($field['#filter']) {
            $aux = self::applyFilter($aux, $field['#filter']);

      // If we don't have any data we take default action.
      if (!self::hasContent($aux)) {
        switch ($field['#default_action']) {

          // Provide default value.
          // This is also default action.
          case 'default_value':
            $aux = $field['#default_value'];

          // Provide default value before it was filtered.
          case 'default_value_filtered':
            $aux = $field['#filter'] ? self::applyFilter($field['#default_value'], $field['#filter']) : NULL;

          // Skip this item by returning NULL.
          case 'skip_item':
            self::$current = NULL;
            return NULL;

          // Don't add this field to entity.
          case 'ignore_field':
            continue 2;

      // Set field value.
      // If is object then don't set just column value, set object-array value.
      if ($field['#column']) {
        if (is_array($aux)) {
          $i = 0;
          foreach ($aux as &$auxv) {
            if (is_object($auxv)) {
              $auxv = (array) $auxv;
              $entity->{$field['#field']}[$entity->language][$i] = $auxv;
            else {
              $entity->{$field['#field']}[$entity->language][$i][$field['#column']] = $auxv;
        else {
          if (is_object($aux)) {
            $aux = (array) $aux;
            $entity->{$field['#field']}[$entity->language][0] = $aux;
          else {
            $entity->{$field['#field']}[$entity->language][0][$field['#column']] = $aux;
      else {

        // If this isn't a field then get only first value.
        if (is_array($aux) || is_object($aux)) {

          // This still can be array but if so then problem is elsewhere.
          $aux = reset($aux);
        $entity->{$field['#field']} = $aux;

      // No need anymore, free memory.
    self::$current = NULL;
    return $entity;

   * Saves/updates all created entities
   * @param array &$feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @param array &$items
   *   An array with entities
  public static function saveEntities(&$feed, &$items) {

    // Get existing items for update.
    if (!empty(self::$generatedHashes)) {
      $ids = self::getEntityIdsFromHash(self::$generatedHashes);

      // Reset all generated hashes.
      self::$generatedHashes = array();
    else {
      $ids = array();

    // This sets expire timestamp.
    $feed['time'] = (int) $feed['time'];

    // Report data.
    self::$report['total'] += count($items);

    // Now we create real entityes or update existent.
    foreach ($items as &$item) {

      // Check if item is skipped.
      if ($item == NULL) {

      // Save hash and remove from item.
      $hash = $item->{self::$tempHash};

      // Check if item is already imported or is not monitorized.
      if ($hash !== NULL && isset($ids[$hash])) {

        // Check if is used option to skip item if already imported.
        if (!empty($feed['xpath']['#skip_imported_items'])) {
          $item = NULL;
        $changed = FALSE;

        // Load entity.
        try {
          $entity = call_user_func(self::$functionLoad, $ids[$hash]->entity_id);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
          $item = NULL;

        // If entity is missing then skip.
        if (empty($entity)) {
          $item = NULL;
        $lang = $item->language;

        // Find if entity is different from last feed.
        foreach ($item as $key => &$value) {
          if (is_array($value)) {
            if (empty($entity->{$key}[$lang]) || count($entity->{$key}[$lang]) != count($value[$lang])) {
              $changed = TRUE;
              $entity->{$key} = $value;
            elseif (count($value[$lang]) <= 1) {
              $col = isset($value[$lang][0]) ? key($value[$lang][0]) : '';
              if ($entity->{$key}[$lang][0][$col] != $value[$lang][0][$col]) {
                $changed = TRUE;
                $entity->{$key} = $value;
            else {
              $col = key($value[$lang][0]);
              $temp = array();
              foreach ($entity->{$key}[$lang] as &$ev) {
                $temp[][$col] = $ev[$col];
              if ($temp != $value[$lang]) {
                $changed = TRUE;
                $entity->{$key} = $value;
              unset($temp, $col);
          else {
            if (!isset($entity->{$key}) || $entity->{$key} != $value) {
              $changed = TRUE;
              $entity->{$key} = $value;
        $ok = TRUE;

        // Check if entity is changed and save changes.
        if ($changed) {
          try {
            call_user_func(self::$functionSave, $entity);

            // Set report about updated items.
          } catch (Exception $e) {
            $ok = FALSE;
        else {

          // Set report about rescheduled items.
        if ($ok) {

          // Add to update ids.

        // Free some memory.
        unset($ids[$hash], $entity, $lang);
      else {

        // Mark as new.
        $item->{$feed['entity_info']['#table_pk']} = NULL;
        $ok = TRUE;
        try {

          // Save imported item.
          call_user_func(self::$functionSave, $item);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
          $ok = FALSE;
        if ($ok) {

          // Check if is monitorized.
          if ($hash !== NULL) {
            $vars = array(
              $feed['time'] ? time() + $feed['time'] : 0,

            // Insert into feed import hash table.

          // Set report about new items.

      // No need anymore.
      $item = NULL;

    // No need anymore.
    unset($items, $ids);

    // Only monitorized items are inserted or updated.
    if (!empty($feed['xpath']['#uniq'])) {

      // Insert left items.
      $vars = array(
        'expire' => $feed['time'] ? time() + $feed['time'] : 0,
        'feed_machine_name' => $feed['machine_name'],

      // Update ids for existing items.

   * Prepares a filter
   * @param array $filters
   *    An array of filters
   * @param string $param
   *    Param placeholder
  public static function prepareFilters(&$filters, $param) {
    foreach ($filters as $name => &$f) {
      if (strpos($f['#function'], '::') !== FALSE) {
        $f['#function'] = explode('::', $f['#function'], 2);
        if (!$f['#function'][0]) {
          $f['#function'][0] = 'FeedImportFilter';
        if (!method_exists($f['#function'][0], $f['#function'][1])) {
      elseif (!function_exists($f['#function'])) {
      $f['#pvhold'] = NULL;
      $f['#params'] = array_values($f['#params']);
      for ($i = 0, $m = count($f['#params']); $i < $m; $i++) {
        if ($f['#params'][$i] == $param) {
          $f['#params'][$i] =& $f['#pvhold'];
    if (!$filters) {
      $filters = FALSE;

   * Filters a field
   * @param mixed $field
   *   A string or array of strings containing field value
   * @param array $filters
   *   Filters to apply
   * @return mixed
   *   Filtered value of field
  protected static function applyFilter($field, &$filters) {
    $field_param = variable_get('feed_import_field_param_name', '[field]');
    foreach ($filters as &$filter) {
      $filter['#pvhold'] = $field;
      try {
        $field = call_user_func_array($filter['#function'], $filter['#params']);
      } catch (Exception $e) {

        // Just report this error, nothing to handle.
      $filter['#pvhold'] = NULL;
    return $field;

   * Checks if entity functions exists
   * @param string $entity
   *   Entity name
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if function exists, FALSE otherwise
  protected static function checkFunctions($entity) {
    self::$functionSave = $entity . '_save';
    self::$functionLoad = $entity . '_load';
    return function_exists(self::$functionSave) && function_exists(self::$functionLoad);

   * Insert imported item in feed_import_hashes
   * @param mixed $values
   *   An array of values or NULL to execute insert
  protected static function insertItem($values) {
    static $q_insert = NULL;
    static $q_insert_items = 0;
    if ($q_insert == NULL) {
      $q_insert = db_insert('feed_import_hashes')
    $q_insert_chunk = variable_get('feed_import_insert_hashes_chunk', 500);

    // Call execute and reset number of insert items.
    if ($values == NULL) {
      if ($q_insert_items) {
        $q_insert_items = 0;

    // Set values.
    if ($q_insert_items == $q_insert_chunk) {
      $q_insert_items = 0;

   * Update imported items ids in feed_import_hashes
   * @param mixed $value
   *   An int value to add id to list or an array containing
   *   info about update conditions to execute update
  protected static function updateIds($value) {
    static $update_ids = array();
    if (is_array($value)) {
      if (empty($update_ids)) {
      $q_update = db_update('feed_import_hashes')
        'expire' => $value['expire'],
        ->condition('feed_machine_name', $value['feed_machine_name'], '=');
      $conditions =& $q_update

      // Split in chunks.
      $update_ids = array_chunk($update_ids, variable_get('feed_import_update_ids_chunk', 1000));
      foreach ($update_ids as &$ids) {
          ->condition('id', $ids, 'IN')

        // Remove last IN condition.
        $ids = NULL;

      // Reset update ids.
      $update_ids = array();
    else {

      // Add to list.
      $update_ids[] = (int) $value;

   * *****************************
   * Feed processors variables
   * *****************************

  // Save function name (_save)
  public static $functionSave;

  // Load function name (_load)
  public static $functionLoad;

  // SimpleXMLElement class, you can use a class that extends default
  public static $simpleXMLElement = 'SimpleXMLElement';

  // Temporary property name for hash
  protected static $tempHash = '_feed_item_hash';

  // Generated Hashes
  protected static $generatedHashes = array();

   * *****************************
   * Feed processors
   * *****************************

   * Imports and process a feed normally
   * @param array $feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @return array
   *   An array of objects
  public static function processXML(array $feed) {

    // Load xml file from url.
    try {
      $xml = simplexml_load_file($feed['url'], self::$simpleXMLElement, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return NULL;

    // If there is no SimpleXMLElement object.
    if (!$xml instanceof self::$simpleXMLElement) {
      return NULL;
    $namespaces =& $feed['xpath']['#settings'];

    // Check for namespace settings.
    if (!empty($namespaces)) {
      foreach ($namespaces as $key => &$namespace) {
        if (!$namespace) {
        $namespace = explode(' ', $namespace, 2);
        if (count($namespace) != 2 || empty($namespace[0]) || empty($namespace[1])) {

        // Set namespace.
          ->registerXPathNamespace($namespace[0], $namespace[1]);
    else {
      $namespaces = array();

    // Get items from root.
    $xml = $xml

    // Get total number of items.
    $count_items = count($xml);

    // Check if there are items.
    if (!$count_items) {
      return NULL;

    // Check feed items.
    if (empty($namespaces)) {
      foreach ($xml as &$item) {

        // Set this item value to entity, so all entities will be in $xml at end!
        $item = self::createEntity($feed, $item);
    else {
      foreach ($xml as &$item) {

        // Register namespaces.
        foreach ($namespaces as &$namespace) {
            ->registerXPathNamespace($namespace[0], $namespace[1]);

        // Set this item value to entity, so all entities will be in $xml at end!
        $item = self::createEntity($feed, $item);

    // Return created entities.
    return $xml;

   *  Callback for validating processXML settings
  public static function processXMLValidate($field, $value, $default) {
    if (strpos($field, ' ') === FALSE) {
      return $default;
    return $value;

   * Imports and process a huge xml in chunks
   * @param array $feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @return array
   *   An array of objects
  public static function processXMLChunked(array $feed) {

    // This will hold all generated entities.
    $entities = array();

    // XML head.
    $xml_head = $feed['xpath']['#settings']['xml_properties'];

    // Bytes read with fread.
    $chunk_length = $feed['xpath']['#settings']['chunk_size'];

    // Items count.
    $items_count = $feed['xpath']['#settings']['items_count'];

    // Substring function.
    if (empty($feed['xpath']['#settings']['substr_function'])) {
      $substr = 'substr';
    else {
      $substr = $feed['xpath']['#settings']['substr_function'];
    $current = 0;

    // Open xml url.
    try {
      $fp = fopen($feed['url'], 'rb');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return NULL;

    // Preparing tags.
    $tag = explode('/', $feed['xpath']['#root']);
    $tag = trim(end($tag));
    $tag = array(
      'open' => '<' . $tag,
      'close' => '</' . $tag . '>',
      'length' => drupal_strlen($tag),
    $tag['closelength'] = drupal_strlen($tag['close']);

    // This holds xml content.
    $content = '';

    // Read all content in chunks.
    while (!feof($fp)) {
      $content .= fread($fp, $chunk_length);

      // If there isn't content read again.
      if (!$content) {
      while (TRUE) {
        $openpos = strpos($content, $tag['open']);
        $openposclose = $openpos + $tag['length'] + 1;

        // Check for open tag.
        if ($openpos === FALSE || !isset($content[$openposclose])) {
        elseif ($content[$openposclose] != ' ' && $content[$openposclose] != '>') {
          $content = $substr($content, $openposclose);
        $closepos = strpos($content, $tag['close'], $openposclose);
        if ($closepos === FALSE) {

        // We have data!
        $closepos += $tag['closelength'];

        // Create xml string.
        $item = $xml_head . $substr($content, $openpos, $closepos - $openpos);

        // New content.
        $content = $substr($content, $closepos - 1);

        // Create xml object.
        try {
          $item = simplexml_load_string($item, self::$simpleXMLElement, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
        } catch (Exception $e) {

        // Parse item.
        $item = $item
        $item = reset($item);
        if (empty($item)) {

        // Create entity.
        $item = self::createEntity($feed, $item);

        // Put in entities array.
        $entities[] = $item;

        // Check if we have to save imported entities.
        if ($current == $items_count) {

          // Save entities.
          self::saveEntities($feed, $entities);

          // Delete imported items so far to save memory.
          $entities = array();

          // Reset counter.
          $current = 0;

        // No need anymore.

    // Close file.
    // If fp is not a resurce then catch warning.
    // Minimum chances for this to happen.
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // Nothing to handle here. Used for reporting error.
    if (!empty($entities)) {

      // Save left entities.
      self::saveEntities($feed, $entities);

    // Delete feed info.

    // Return NULL because we saved all entities.
    return NULL;

   * Callback for validating processXMLChunked settings
  public static function processXMLChunkedValidate($field, $value, $default = NULL) {
    switch ($field) {
      case 'xml_properties':
        $value = trim($value);
        if (!preg_match("/^\\<\\?xml (.*)\\?\\>\$/", $value)) {
          return $default;
      case 'chunk_size':
        $value = (int) $value;
        if ($value <= 0) {
          return $default;
      case 'substr_function':
        if (!in_array($value, array(
        ))) {
          return $default;
    return $value;

   * Imports and process a HTML page
   * @param array $feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @return array
   *   An array of objects
  public static function processHTMLPage(array $feed) {

    // Create DOM Document.
    $xml = new DOMDocument();
    $xml->strictErrorChecking = FALSE;
    $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
    $xml->recover = TRUE;

    // Load HTML file from url.
    try {
      if ($feed['xpath']['#settings']['report_html_errors']) {
      else {
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // This try-catch is just to parse the HTML file. Nothing to handle.

    // Normalize document.

    // Try to convert to xml.
    try {
      $xml = simplexml_import_dom($xml, self::$simpleXMLElement);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return NULL;

    // If there is no SimpleXMLElement object.
    if (!$xml instanceof self::$simpleXMLElement) {
      return NULL;

    // Get items from root.
    $xml = $xml

    // Get total number of items.
    $count_items = count($xml);

    // Check if there are items.
    if (!$count_items) {
      return NULL;

    // Check feed items.
    foreach ($xml as &$item) {

      // Set this item value to entity, so all entities will be in $xml at end!
      $item = self::createEntity($feed, $item);

    // Return created entities.
    return $xml;

   * Callback for validating processHTMLPAge settings
  public static function processHTMLPageValidate($field, $value, $default = NULL) {
    if ($field == 'report_html_errors') {
      if ($value != 0 && $value != 1) {
        return $default;
    return $value;

   * Imports and process a CSV file
   * First line must contain column names!
   * @param array $feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @return array
   *   An array of objects
  public static function processCSV(array $feed) {

    // Get $length, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escape and $use_column_names settings.

    // Open CSV file.
    try {
      $fp = fopen($feed['url'], 'rb');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return NULL;

    // Here will be all items.
    $entities = array();

    // Create a single xml object to hold each row by updating row values.
    $xml = new self::$simpleXMLElement('<' . trim($feed['xpath']['#root'], '/') . '/>');

    // Get first line form file.
    $line = fgetcsv($fp, $length, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escape);
    if ($line === FALSE) {
      return NULL;

    // Create child nodes.
    if (!$use_column_names) {
      foreach ($line as $index => &$col) {
          ->addChild('column', $col)
          ->addAttribute('index', $index + 1);
      $entities[] = self::createEntity($feed, $xml);
    else {
      foreach ($line as $index => &$col) {
        $child = $xml
          ->addChild('column', NULL);
          ->addAttribute('index', $index + 1);
          ->addAttribute('name', $col);

    // Read file line by line.
    while (($line = fgetcsv($fp, 0, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escape)) !== FALSE) {
      $i = 0;

      // Update created xml with new values.
      foreach ($xml
        ->children() as $child) {

        // Well, check if column exists before using it.
        $child[0] = isset($line[$i]) ? $line[$i] : NULL;

      // Add to entities.
      $entities[] = self::createEntity($feed, $xml);
      $line = NULL;
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // Nothing to handle.
    return $entities;

   * Callback for validating processCSV settings
  public static function processCSVValidate($field, $value, $default = NULL) {
    switch ($field) {
      case 'length':

        // Must be positive integer.
        if ((int) $value != $value || $value < 0) {
          return $default;
      case 'use_column_names':
        if ($value != 0 && $value != 1) {
          return $default;

        // Check delimiters.
        if (drupal_strlen($value) != 1) {
          return $default;
    return $value;

   * Process large xml file with XmlReader
   * @param array $feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @return NULL
   *   Returns NULL because items are already processed
  public static function processXMLReader(array $feed) {

    // Parse parent xpath.
    $feed['xpath']['#root'] = trim(trim($feed['xpath']['#root'], '/'));
    if (!preg_match('/([a-zA-Z\\:]?)(?:\\[@(\\w+)[\\s+]?(?:=[\\s+]?["\']?(.*)?["\'])?\\])?/', $feed['xpath']['#root'], $match)) {

      // If not a valid one then exit.
      return NULL;

    // Create the xmlreader resource.
    $xml = new XMLReader();

    // Open XML file.
    try {
      if (!$xml
        ->open($feed['url'], 'utf-8', 1 << 19 | LIBXML_NOCDATA)) {

        // If failed to open then exit.
        return NULL;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return NULL;

    // Get items count from settings.
    $items_count = $feed['xpath']['#settings']['items_count'];

    // This will hold created items.
    $entities = array();
    $current = 0;

    // Jump to first node.
    switch (count($match)) {
      case 2:
        $tag_name = $match[1];
        $attribute = $attribute_value = NULL;
        while ($xml
          ->read() && $xml->name != $tag_name) {
      case 3:
        $tag_name = $match[1];
        $attribute = $match[2];
        $attribute_value = NULL;
        while ($xml
          ->read() && ($xml->name != $tag_name || $xml
          ->getAttribute($attribute) === NULL)) {
      case 4:
        $tag_name = $match[1];
        $attribute = $match[2];
        $attribute_value = $match[3];
        while ($xml
          ->read() && ($xml->name != $tag_name || $xml
          ->getAttribute($attribute) != $attribute_value)) {

        // Close xml doc.
        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {

          // Handle possible errors.

        // Stop import.
        return NULL;

    // No need anymore.

    // Create the DomDocument used to convert to SimplexXmlElement.
    $doc = new DOMDocument();

    // Loop through all items.
    do {

      // Check for attribute.
      if ($attribute) {
        if ($attribute_value) {
          if ($xml
            ->getAttribute($attribute) != $attribute_value) {
        else {
          if ($xml
            ->getAttribute($attribute) === NULL) {

      // Get dom node.
      try {
        $node = $xml
      } catch (Exception $e) {
      if (!$node) {

      // Create the xml node.
      $node = $doc
        ->importNode($node, TRUE);

      // Add it to document.

      // Convert it to simplexml.
      try {
        $item = simplexml_import_dom($doc, self::$simpleXMLElement);
      } catch (Exception $e) {
        $item = $node = NULL;

        // Skip this item if xml is invalid.

      // Create entity object.
      $item = self::createEntity($feed, $item);

      // Remove from document and free memory.
      $node = NULL;

      // Check if empty.
      if (empty($item)) {

      // Add to entities.
      $entities[] = $item;
      if ($current == $items_count) {

        // Save entities.
        self::saveEntities($feed, $entities);

        // Delete imported items so far to save memory.
        $entities = array();

        // Reset counter.
        $current = 0;
    } while ($xml

    // close xml file.
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // Just report any possible errors.

    // No need anymore.
    unset($xml, $doc, $node);

    // Save left entities.
    if (!empty($entities)) {
      self::saveEntities($feed, $entities);

    // Delete feed info.
    unset($feed, $entities);

    // We processed all entities so we return null.
    return NULL;

   * Callback for validating processXmlReader settings
  public static function processXMLReaderValidate($field, $value, $default = NULL) {
    $value = (int) $value;
    if ($value <= 0) {
      return $default;
    return $value;

   * Process JSON.
   * @param array $feed
   *   Feed info array
   * @return array
   *   An array of objects
  public static function processJSON(array $feed) {
    try {
      $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($feed['url']));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return NULL;
    if (empty($json)) {
      return NULL;
    $xml = new self::$simpleXMLElement($feed['xpath']['#settings']['xml_properties']);

    // Convert object to xml.
    if (is_array($json)) {

      // If the json is an array then make it object.
      $json = (object) array(
        'item' => $json,
    self::json2xml($json, $xml);
    $xml = $xml
    if (empty($xml)) {
      return NULL;
    foreach ($xml as &$item) {

      // Set this item value to entity, so all entities will be in $xml at end!
      $item = self::createEntity($feed, $item);

    // Return created entities.
    return $xml;

   * Convert json object to xml.
   * @param object
   *   JSON object
   * @param SimpleXMLElement
   *   XML parent
  public static function json2xml(&$json, &$xml) {
    foreach ($json as $tag => &$value) {
      $tag = str_replace(' ', '_', $tag);
      if (is_object($value)) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
          $child = $xml
          self::json2xml($value, $child);
      elseif (is_array($value)) {
        foreach ($value as &$val) {
          if (is_scalar($val)) {
              ->addChild($tag, htmlentities($val, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', FALSE));
          else {
            $child = $xml
            self::json2xml($val, $child);
      else {
          ->addChild($tag, htmlentities($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', FALSE));

   * Callback for validating processJSON settings
  public static function processJSONValidate($field, $value, $default = NULL) {
    $value = trim($value);
    if (!preg_match("/^\\<\\?xml (.*)\\?\\>\\<([a-zA-Z]+)\\/\\>\$/", $value)) {
      return $default;
    return $value;



Namesort descending Description
FeedImport @file Feed import class for parsing and processing content.