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public function FeaturesManagerTest::testAssignInterPackageDependenciesWithBundle in Features 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 tests/src/Unit/FeaturesManagerTest.php \Drupal\Tests\features\Unit\FeaturesManagerTest::testAssignInterPackageDependenciesWithBundle()

@covers ::assignInterPackageDependencies


tests/src/Unit/FeaturesManagerTest.php, line 427


@coversDefaultClass Drupal\features\FeaturesManager @group features




public function testAssignInterPackageDependenciesWithBundle() {
  $assigner = $this
  $bundle = $this

  // Provide a bundle without any prefix.

  // Use the wrapper because we need ::drupalGetProfile().
  $features_manager = new TestFeaturesManager($this->root, $this->entityTypeManager, $this->configFactory, $this->configStorage, $this->configManager, $this->moduleHandler, $this->configReverter, $this->moduleExtensionList);
  $packages = [
    'package' => new Package('package', [
      'config' => [
      'dependencies' => [],
      'bundle' => 'giraffe',
    'package2' => new Package('package2', [
      'config' => [
      'dependencies' => [],
      'bundle' => 'giraffe',
    'package3' => new Package('package3', [
      'config' => [
      'dependencies' => [],
      'bundle' => 'giraffe',
    'package4' => new Package('package4', [
      'config' => [
      'dependencies' => [],
      'bundle' => 'giraffe',

  // Dependencies require the full package names.
  $package_names = array_keys($packages);
    ->reveal(), $package_names);
  $packages = $features_manager
    ->reveal(), $packages);

  // example.config3 has a providing_feature but no assigned package.
  // my_package2 provides configuration required by configuration in
  // my_package.
  // Because package assignments take precedence over providing_feature ones,
  // package2 should have been assigned rather than my_feature.
  // Because it is assigned to the InstallStorage::CONFIG_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORY
  // subdirectory, example.config5 does not create a dependency on its
  // providing feature, package3.
  // Because it's provided by an uninstalled module, example.config6 doesn't
  // create a dependency on my_uninstalled_feature.
  // Because it's provided by an uninstalled module, example.config7 doesn't
  // create a dependency on giraffe_package4.
  $expected = [
    ->assertEquals($expected, $packages['giraffe_package']