public static function FeaturesExportForm::preRenderRemoveInvalidCheckboxes in Features 8.3
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.4 modules/features_ui/src/Form/FeaturesExportForm.php \Drupal\features_ui\Form\FeaturesExportForm::preRenderRemoveInvalidCheckboxes()
Denies access to the checkboxes for uninstalled or empty packages and the "unpackaged" pseudo-package.
array $form: The form build array to alter.
Return value
array The form build array.
1 call to FeaturesExportForm::preRenderRemoveInvalidCheckboxes()
- FeaturesExportForm::updatePreview in modules/
features_ui/ src/ Form/ FeaturesExportForm.php - Handles switching the configuration type selector.
- modules/
features_ui/ src/ Form/ FeaturesExportForm.php, line 528
- FeaturesExportForm
- Defines the configuration export form.
public static function preRenderRemoveInvalidCheckboxes(array $form) {
/** @var \Drupal\features\Package $package */
foreach ($form['#packages'] as $package) {
// Remove checkboxes for packages that:
// - have no configuration assigned and are not the profile, or
// - are the "unpackaged" pseudo-package.
if (empty($package
->getConfig()) && !($package
->getMachineName() == $form['#profile_package']) || $package
->getMachineName() == 'unpackaged') {
->getMachineName()]['#access'] = FALSE;
return $form;