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function ctools_features_declare_functions($reset = FALSE) {

   * This is called by Features to ensure ctools component functions are defined
   * Dynamically declare functions under a ctools component's namespace if they are not already declared.
  if (function_exists('_ctools_features_get_info')) {
    foreach (_ctools_features_get_info(NULL, $reset) as $component => $info) {
      $code = '';
      if (!function_exists("{$info['module']}_features_api")) {
        $code .= 'function ' . $info['module'] . '_features_api() { return ctools_component_features_api("' . $info['module'] . '"); }';

      // ctools component with owner defined as "ctools"
      if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_api") && $info['module'] === 'ctools') {
        $code .= 'function ' . $component . '_features_api() { return ctools_component_features_api("' . $component . '"); }';
      if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_export")) {
        $code .= 'function ' . $component . '_features_export($data, &$export, $module_name = "") { return ctools_component_features_export("' . $component . '", $data, $export, $module_name); }';
      if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_export_options")) {
        $code .= 'function ' . $component . '_features_export_options() { return ctools_component_features_export_options("' . $component . '"); }';
      if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_export_render")) {
        $code .= 'function ' . $component . '_features_export_render($module, $data, $export = NULL) { return ctools_component_features_export_render("' . $component . '", $module, $data, $export); }';
      if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_revert")) {
        $code .= 'function ' . $component . '_features_revert($module) { return ctools_component_features_revert("' . $component . '", $module); }';

 * Implements hook_features_api().
function ctools_features_api() {
  return array(
    'ctools' => array(
      'name' => 'CTools export API',
      'feature_source' => TRUE,
      'duplicates' => FEATURES_DUPLICATES_ALLOWED,

 * Implements hook_features_export().
 * Adds references to the ctools mothership hook, ctools_plugin_api().
function ctools_features_export($data, &$export, $module_name = '') {

  // Add ctools dependency
  $export['dependencies']['ctools'] = 'ctools';

  // Add the actual ctools components which will need to be accounted for in
  // hook_ctools_plugin_api(). The components are actually identified by a
  // delimited list of values: `module_name:api:current_version`
  foreach ($data as $component) {
    if ($info = _ctools_features_get_info($component)) {
      $identifier = "{$info['module']}:{$info['api']}:{$info['current_version']}";
      $export['features']['ctools'][$identifier] = $identifier;
  return array();

 * Implements hook_features_export_render().
 * Adds the ctools mothership hook, ctools_plugin_api().
function ctools_features_export_render($module, $data) {
  $component_exports = array();
  foreach ($data as $component) {
    $code = array();
    if ($info = _ctools_features_get_info($component)) {

      // For background on why we change the output for hook_views_api()
      // see
      if ($info['module'] == 'views') {
        $code[] = '  return array("version" => "3.0");';
      else {
        $code[] = '  list($module, $api) = func_get_args();';
        $code[] = '  if ($module == "' . $info['module'] . '" && $api == "' . $info['api'] . '") {';
        $code[] = '    return array("version" => "' . $info['current_version'] . '");';
        $code[] = '  }';
    $plugin_api_hook_name = ctools_plugin_api_get_hook($info['module'], $info['api']);
    if (key_exists($plugin_api_hook_name, $component_exports)) {
      $component_exports[$plugin_api_hook_name] .= "\n" . implode("\n", $code);
    else {
      $component_exports[$plugin_api_hook_name] = implode("\n", $code);
  return $component_exports;

 * Master implementation of hook_features_api() for all ctools components.
 * Note that this master hook does not use $component like the others, but uses the
 * component module's namespace instead.
function ctools_component_features_api($module_name) {
  $api = array();
  foreach (_ctools_features_get_info() as $component => $info) {

    // if module owner is set to "ctools" we need to compare the component
    if ($info['module'] == $module_name || $info['module'] === 'ctools' && $component == $module_name) {
      $api[$component] = $info;
  return $api;

 * Master implementation of hook_features_export_options() for all ctools components.
function ctools_component_features_export_options($component) {
  $options = array();
  $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($component);
  if ($schema && $schema['export']['bulk export']) {
    if (!empty($schema['export']['list callback']) && function_exists($schema['export']['list callback'])) {
      $options = $schema['export']['list callback']();
    else {
      $options = _ctools_features_export_default_list($component, $schema);
  return $options;

 * Master implementation of hook_features_export() for all ctools components.
function ctools_component_features_export($component, $data, &$export, $module_name = '') {

  // Add the actual implementing module as a dependency
  $info = _ctools_features_get_info();
  if ($module_name !== $info[$component]['module']) {
    $export['dependencies'][$info[$component]['module']] = $info[$component]['module'];

  // Add the components
  foreach ($data as $object_name) {
    if ($object = _ctools_features_export_crud_load($component, $object_name)) {

      // If this object is provided as a default by a different module, don't
      // export and add that module as a dependency instead.
      if (!empty($object->export_module) && $object->export_module !== $module_name) {
        $export['dependencies'][$object->export_module] = $object->export_module;
        if (isset($export['features'][$component][$object_name])) {
      else {
        $export['features'][$component][$object_name] = $object_name;

  // Let CTools handle API integration for this component.
  return array(
    'ctools' => array(

 * Master implementation of hook_features_export_render() for all ctools components.
function ctools_component_features_export_render($component, $module, $data) {

  // Reset the export display static to prevent clashes.
  $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($component);
  if (function_exists($schema['export']['to hook code callback'])) {
    $export = $schema['export']['to hook code callback']($data, $module);
    $code = explode("{\n", $export);
    $code = explode('}', implode($code, "{\n"));
    $code = implode('}', $code);
  else {
    $code = '  $export = array();' . "\n\n";
    foreach ($data as $object_name) {
      if ($object = _ctools_features_export_crud_load($component, $object_name)) {
        $identifier = $schema['export']['identifier'];
        $code .= _ctools_features_export_crud_export($component, $object, '  ');
        $code .= "  \$export[" . ctools_var_export($object_name) . "] = \${$identifier};\n\n";
    $code .= '  return $export;';
  return array(
    $schema['export']['default hook'] => $code,

 * Master implementation of hook_features_revert() for all ctools components.
function ctools_component_features_revert($component, $module) {
  if ($objects = features_get_default($component, $module)) {
    foreach ($objects as $name => $object) {

      // Some things (like views) do not use the machine name as key
      // and need to be loaded explicitly in order to be deleted.
      $object = ctools_export_crud_load($component, $name);
      if ($object && $object->export_type & EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) {
        _ctools_features_export_crud_delete($component, $object);

 * Helper function to return various ctools information for components.
function _ctools_features_get_info($identifier = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $components;
  if (!isset($components) || $reset) {
    $components = array();
    $modules = features_get_info();
    drupal_static('ctools_export_get_schemas', NULL, $reset);
    foreach (ctools_export_get_schemas_by_module() as $module => $schemas) {
      foreach ($schemas as $table => $schema) {
        if ($schema['export']['bulk export']) {

          // Let the API owner take precedence as the owning module.
          $api_module = isset($schema['export']['api']['owner']) ? $schema['export']['api']['owner'] : $module;
          $components[$table] = array(
            'name' => isset($modules[$api_module]->info['name']) ? $modules[$api_module]->info['name'] : $api_module,
            'default_hook' => $schema['export']['default hook'],
            'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_CUSTOM,
            'module' => $api_module,
            'feature_source' => TRUE,
          if (isset($schema['export']['api'])) {
            $components[$table] += array(
              'api' => $schema['export']['api']['api'],
              'default_filename' => $schema['export']['api']['api'],
              'current_version' => $schema['export']['api']['current_version'],

  // Return information specific to a particular component.
  if (isset($identifier)) {

    // Identified by the table name.
    if (isset($components[$identifier])) {
      return $components[$identifier];
    else {
      if (substr_count($identifier, ':') === 2) {
        list($module, $api, $current_version) = explode(':', $identifier);

        // If a schema component matches the provided identifier, provide that
        // information. This also ensures that the version number is up to date.
        foreach ($components as $table => $info) {
          if ($info['module'] == $module && $info['api'] == $api && $info['current_version'] >= $current_version) {
            return $info;

        // Fallback to just giving back what was provided to us.
        return array(
          'module' => $module,
          'api' => $api,
          'current_version' => $current_version,
    return FALSE;
  return $components;

 * Wrapper around ctools_export_crud_export() for < 1.7 compatibility.
function _ctools_features_export_crud_export($table, $object, $indent = '') {
  return ctools_api_version('1.7') ? ctools_export_crud_export($table, $object, $indent) : ctools_export_object($table, $object, $indent);

 * Wrapper around ctools_export_crud_load() for < 1.7 compatibility.
function _ctools_features_export_crud_load($table, $name) {
  if (ctools_api_version('1.7')) {
    return ctools_export_crud_load($table, $name);
  elseif ($objects = ctools_export_load_object($table, 'names', array(
  ))) {
    return array_shift($objects);
  return FALSE;

 * Wrapper around ctools_export_default_list() for < 1.7 compatibility.
function _ctools_features_export_default_list($table, $schema) {
  if (ctools_api_version('1.7')) {
    return ctools_export_default_list($table, $schema);
  elseif ($objects = ctools_export_load_object($table, 'all')) {
    return drupal_map_assoc(array_keys($objects));
  return array();

 * Wrapper around ctools_export_crud_delete() for < 1.7 compatibility.
function _ctools_features_export_crud_delete($table, $object) {
  if (ctools_api_version('1.7')) {
    ctools_export_crud_delete($table, $object);
  else {
    $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($table);
    $export = $schema['export'];
    db_query("DELETE FROM {{$table}} WHERE {$export['key']} = '%s'", $object->{$export['key']});

 * Implements hook_features_export_render() for page_manager.
function page_manager_pages_features_export_render($module, $data) {

  // Reset the export display static to prevent clashes.

  // Ensure that handlers have their code included before exporting.
  return ctools_component_features_export_render('page_manager_pages', $module, $data);

 * Implements hook_features_revert() for page_manager.
function page_manager_pages_features_revert($module) {
  if ($pages = features_get_default('page_manager_pages', $module)) {
    require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/page_manager/plugins/tasks/';
    foreach ($pages as $page) {

 * Implements hook_features_pipe_COMPONENT_alter() for views_view.
function views_features_pipe_views_view_alter(&$pipe, $data, $export) {

  // @todo Remove this check before next stable release.
  if (!function_exists('views_plugin_list')) {
  $map = array_flip($data);
  foreach (views_plugin_list() as $plugin) {
    foreach ($plugin['views'] as $view_name) {
      if (isset($map[$view_name])) {
        $pipe['dependencies'][$plugin['module']] = $plugin['module'];


Namesort descending Description
ctools_component_features_api Master implementation of hook_features_api() for all ctools components.
ctools_component_features_export Master implementation of hook_features_export() for all ctools components.
ctools_component_features_export_options Master implementation of hook_features_export_options() for all ctools components.
ctools_component_features_export_render Master implementation of hook_features_export_render() for all ctools components.
ctools_component_features_revert Master implementation of hook_features_revert() for all ctools components.
ctools_features_api Implements hook_features_api().
ctools_features_export Implements hook_features_export(). Adds references to the ctools mothership hook, ctools_plugin_api().
ctools_features_export_render Implements hook_features_export_render(). Adds the ctools mothership hook, ctools_plugin_api().
page_manager_pages_features_export_render Implements hook_features_export_render() for page_manager.
page_manager_pages_features_revert Implements hook_features_revert() for page_manager.
views_features_pipe_views_view_alter Implements hook_features_pipe_COMPONENT_alter() for views_view.
_ctools_features_export_crud_delete Wrapper around ctools_export_crud_delete() for < 1.7 compatibility.
_ctools_features_export_crud_export Wrapper around ctools_export_crud_export() for < 1.7 compatibility.
_ctools_features_export_crud_load Wrapper around ctools_export_crud_load() for < 1.7 compatibility.
_ctools_features_export_default_list Wrapper around ctools_export_default_list() for < 1.7 compatibility.
_ctools_features_get_info Helper function to return various ctools information for components.