16 calls to features_get_features() in Features 7
- dependencies_features_rebuild in includes/
features.features.inc - Implements hook_features_rebuild(). Ensure that all of a feature's dependencies are enabled.
- drush_features_list in ./
features.drush.inc - Get a list of all feature modules.
- drush_features_revert_all in ./
features.drush.inc - Revert all enabled features to their definitions in code.
- drush_features_update in ./
features.drush.inc - Update an existing feature module.
- drush_features_update_all in ./
features.drush.inc - Update all enabled features. Optionally pass in a list of features to exclude from being updated.
- features_admin_form in ./
features.admin.inc - Form constructor for the features configuration form.
- features_autocomplete_packages in ./
features.admin.inc - Page callback: Autocomplete field for features package.
- features_get_component_map in ./
features.module - Provide a component to feature map.
- features_get_component_states in ./
features.export.inc - Retrieve an array of features/components and their current states.
- features_get_default in ./
features.export.inc - Get defaults for a given module/component pair.
- features_get_normal in ./
features.export.inc - Get normal objects for a given module/component pair.
- features_get_orphans in ./
features.module - Generate an array of feature dependencies that have been orphaned.
- features_include_defaults in ./
features.module - Load features includes for all components that require includes before collecting defaults.
- features_load_feature in ./
features.module - Feature object loader.
- features_update_6100 in ./
features.install - Update 6100: Set module on all feature node types to 'features'.
- features_update_6101 in ./
features.install - Update 6101: Set codestate signature for all features.