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fblikebutton.tpl.php in Facebook Like Button 7.2

Template file for fblikebutton.

The variable of primary importance is $src. This is generated and sanitized the preprocess function. As facebook's services change frequently you can override these settings without altering this module by overriding the preprocess function in your theme's template.php file. The overriding preprocessor should be a function named MYTHEME_preprocess_fblikebutton. You can also override the output of this file by copying it into your own theme directory. For maintainability you should not alter this file on your site as it will lead to complications when updating the module later.


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 * @file
 * Template file for fblikebutton.
 * The variable of primary importance is $src. This is generated and sanitized
 * the preprocess function. As facebook's services change frequently you can
 * override these settings without altering this module by overriding the
 * preprocess function in your theme's template.php file. The overriding
 * preprocessor should be a function named MYTHEME_preprocess_fblikebutton. You
 * can also override the output of this file by copying it into your own theme
 * directory. For maintainability you should not alter this file on your site as
 * it will lead to complications when updating the module later.

<iframe src="//<?php

print $src;
?>" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none; overflow: hidden; width: <?php

print $width;
?>px; height: <?php

print $height;
?>px; <?php

print $other_css;
?>" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>