fblikebutton.module in Facebook Like Button 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
Adds Facebook's "Like" button to each selected node type. Adds a block with a global static value where users can "Like" the URL set by admins.
fblikebutton.moduleView source
// $Id$
* @file
* Adds Facebook's "Like" button to each selected node type.
* Adds a block with a global static value where users can "Like" the URL set by admins.
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function fblikebutton_menu() {
$items['admin/settings/fblikebutton'] = array(
'title' => 'FB Like Button',
'description' => 'Configure Facebook <em>Like</em> button settings.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'file' => 'fblikebutton.admin.inc',
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
function fblikebutton_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser, $page) {
global $user, $base_url, $language;
$likebase = $base_url . '/';
$likepath = drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $node->nid);
$webpage_to_like = $likebase . $likepath;
$lang_abbr = $language->language;
$fblikebutton_lang = $lang_abbr . '_' . drupal_strtoupper($lang_abbr);
switch ($op) {
case 'view':
// Whether to show faces in the iframe. (Thanks to dizarter for pointing out that the next few lines should be relocated to where they are now.)
$fblikebutton_showonteasers = variable_get('fblikebutton_showonteasers', 0);
// Set which node types users can "like".
$types_to_like = variable_get('fblikebutton_node_types', array(
// Keep the fblikebutton button out of search results, teasers, etc., if set.
if ($fblikebutton_showonteasers == 0) {
if (!$page) {
// Do not add the like button to any of the unchecked node types.
if (!in_array($node->type, $types_to_like, TRUE)) {
// Whether or not to show the faces of people who have "liked" the node.
$show_faces = variable_get('fblikebutton_show_faces', 'true');
// Color scheme of the box. Options: "light" or "dark".
$colorscheme = variable_get('fblikebutton_color_scheme', 'light');
// Layout style. Options: "Standard", "Box Count", or "Button Count".
$layout = variable_get('fblikebutton_layout', 'standard');
// Action to display. Options: "Like" or "Recommend"
$action = variable_get('fblikebutton_action', 'like');
// Font to use.
$font = variable_get('fblikebutton_font', 'arial');
// Iframe height.
$iframe_h = variable_get('fblikebutton_iframe_height', '80');
// Iframe width.
$iframe_w = variable_get('fblikebutton_iframe_width', '450');
// Extra CSS to be tacked on to the end of the iframe. Example: padding-left: 5px; padding-top: 10px;
$other_css = variable_get('fblikebutton_iframe_css', '');
$other_css = trim($other_css);
// Weight on the node
$likebutton_weight = variable_get('fblikebutton_weight', '50');
$likebutton_lang = variable_get('fblikebutton_language', $fblikebutton_lang);
// The next part is whether or not to display the "Send" button next to the "Like" (or "Recommend") button.
// CURRENTLY ONLY WORKS WITH XFBML (NOT IFRAME)... But it doesn't hurt anything and WILL
// be in one of the next stable releases, so I'm leaving it there in case FB decides to enable
// the feature to work with the iframe version. Until then, or until next stable release, see dev snapshot
// if you require the "Send" button.
$displaysend = variable_get('fblikebutton_send', 'true');
// Since we're currently using the iframe version...
$likebutton = '<iframe class="fblikebutton" src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=' . urlencode($webpage_to_like) . '&send=' . check_plain($displaysend) . '&layout=' . check_plain($layout) . '&show_faces=' . check_plain($show_faces) . '&width=' . check_plain($iframe_w) . '&action=' . check_plain($action) . '&font=' . check_plain($font) . '&colorscheme=' . check_plain($colorscheme) . '&height=' . check_plain($iframe_h) . '&locale=' . check_plain($likebutton_lang) . '" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:' . check_plain($iframe_w) . 'px; height:' . check_plain($iframe_h) . 'px;' . check_plain($other_css) . '" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>';
// Check permissions
if (user_access('users may access Like button')) {
// If set, keep the button out of teasers:
if ($fblikebutton_showonteasers == 0) {
if ($teaser) {
$node->content['fblikebutton_button'] = array(
'#value' => $likebutton,
'#weight' => $likebutton_weight,
* Implementation of hook_perm().
function fblikebutton_perm() {
return array(
'users may administer Like button',
'users may administer Like button block',
'users may access Like button',
* Implementation of hook_block().
function fblikebutton_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
$blocks[0]['info'] = t('FB Like Button');
$blocks[0]['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE;
return $blocks;
case 'configure':
global $base_url, $language;
$block_lang_abbr = $language->language;
$fblikebutton_block_lang = $block_lang_abbr . '_' . drupal_strtoupper($block_lang_abbr);
if ($delta == 0 && user_access('users may administer Like button block')) {
$form['fblikebutton_block_url'] = array(
'#title' => t('URL to display'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => variable_get('fblikebutton_block_url', $base_url),
'#description' => t('URL of the webpage to like (default is the base URL of this site: @site). This value will remain the same throughout your site.', array(
'@site' => $base_url,
$form['fblikebutton_block'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => 'Block configuration',
'#collapsible' => false,
$form['fblikebutton_block']['fblikebutton_bl_layout'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Layout style'),
'#options' => array(
'standard' => t('Standard'),
'box_count' => t('Box Count'),
'button_count' => t('Button Count'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_layout', 'standard'),
'#description' => t('Determines the size and amount of social context next to the button.'),
$form['fblikebutton_block']['fblikebutton_bl_show_faces'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Display faces in the box'),
'#options' => array(
'showz' => t('Show faces'),
'hide' => t('Do not show faces'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_show_faces', 'true'),
'#description' => t('Show profile pictures below the button. Only works if <em>Layout style</em> found above is set to <em>Standard</em> (otherwise, value is ignored).'),
$form['fblikebutton_block']['fblikebutton_bl_action'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Verb to display'),
'#options' => array(
'like' => t('Like'),
'recommend' => t('Recommend'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_action', 'like'),
'#description' => t('The verbiage to display inside the button itself.'),
$form['fblikebutton_block']['fblikebutton_bl_font'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Font'),
'#options' => array(
'arial' => 'Arial',
'lucida+grande' => 'Lucida Grande',
'segoe+ui' => 'Segoe UI',
'tahoma' => 'Tahoma',
'trebuchet+ms' => 'Trebuchet MS',
'verdana' => 'Verdana',
'#default_value' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_font', 'arial'),
'#description' => t('The font with which to display the text of the button.'),
$form['fblikebutton_block']['fblikebutton_bl_color_scheme'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Color scheme'),
'#options' => array(
'light' => t('Light'),
'dark' => t('Dark'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_color_scheme', 'light'),
'#description' => t('The color scheme of the box environtment.'),
$form['fblikebutton_block']['fblikebutton_bl_language'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Language'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_language', $fblikebutton_block_lang),
'#description' => t('Specific language to use. Default for this site is <em>@lang</em>. Examples:<br/>French (France): <em>fr_FR</em><br/>French (Canada): <em>fr_CA</em>', array(
'@lang' => $fblikebutton_block_lang,
return $form;
case 'save':
if ($delta == 0) {
variable_set('fblikebutton_bl_layout', $edit['fblikebutton_bl_layout']);
variable_set('fblikebutton_bl_show_faces', $edit['fblikebutton_bl_show_faces']);
variable_set('fblikebutton_bl_action', $edit['fblikebutton_bl_action']);
variable_set('fblikebutton_bl_font', $edit['fblikebutton_bl_font']);
variable_set('fblikebutton_bl_color_scheme', $edit['fblikebutton_bl_color_scheme']);
variable_set('fblikebutton_bl_language', $edit['fblikebutton_bl_language']);
case 'view':
global $base_url, $language;
$block_lang_abbr = $language->language;
$fblikebutton_block_lang = $block_lang_abbr . '_' . drupal_strtoupper($block_lang_abbr);
$addr = variable_get('fblikebutton_block_url', $base_url);
$conf = array(
'layout' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_layout', "standard"),
'action' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_action', "like"),
'color_scheme' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_color_scheme', "light"),
'show_faces' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_show_faces', "false"),
'font' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_font', "arial"),
'language' => variable_get('fblikebutton_bl_language', $fblikebutton_block_lang),
if (user_access('users may access Like button')) {
$block['subject'] = t('');
$block['content'] = _fblikebutton_field($addr, $conf);
return $block;
function _fblikebutton_field($addr, $conf) {
$addr = urlencode($addr);
$width = "100%";
$layout = $conf['layout'];
$action = $conf['action'];
$colorscheme = $conf['color_scheme'];
$show_faces = $conf['show_faces'];
$font = $conf['font'];
$lang = $conf['language'];
switch ($layout) {
case "box_count":
$height = 65;
case "button_count":
$height = 21;
case "standard":
$height = $show_faces == "false" ? 35 : 80;
$height = 60;
$params = "href={$addr}&layout={$layout}&show_faces=false&width&font={$font}&height={$height}&action={$action}&colorscheme={$colorscheme}&locale={$lang}";
$src = htmlentities($params);
$output = "<iframe src=\"https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?{$src}\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" style=\"border: none; overflow: hidden; width: {$width}; height: {$height}px;\" allowTransparency=\"true\"></iframe>";
return $output;
Name![]() |
Description |
fblikebutton_block | Implementation of hook_block(). |
fblikebutton_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). |
fblikebutton_nodeapi | Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). |
fblikebutton_perm | Implementation of hook_perm(). |
_fblikebutton_field |