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8 calls to fb_social_fb_plugin_load() in Facebook social plugins integration 7.2

fb_social_fb_plugin_defaults in ./fb_social.module
Return the default vaules of a certain plugin type as defined by facebook
fb_social_fb_plugin_drupal_settings_form in ./fb_social.module
Return the drupal settings form for a given plugin type
fb_social_fb_plugin_fb_settings_form in ./fb_social.module
Return the facebook plugin form for a given type
fb_social_field_extra_fields in ./fb_social.module
Implements hook_content_extra_fields.
fb_social_link in ./fb_social.module
Fake hook_link (as in D6); for easy maintanance only
fb_social_node_view in ./fb_social.module
Implements hook_node_view().
fb_social_preprocess_fb_social_plugin in ./fb_social.module
Implements preprocess_hook
fb_social_presets_ui_form in plugins/export_ui/
The preset add/edit form