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DrupalClient.php in Facebook Instant Articles 7.2

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  1. 7 modules/fb_instant_articles_api/src/DrupalClient.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\fb_instant_articles_api\DrupalClient.
namespace Drupal\fb_instant_articles_api;

use Facebook\InstantArticles\Client\Client;
use Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException;

 * Encapsulates any Drupal-specific logic when using the Client.
 * Class DrupalClient
 * @package Drupal\fb_instant_articles_api
class DrupalClient extends Client {

   * Facebook Graph API Permision Error Code

   * Facebook Graph API Page Not Approved Error Code

   * Get an Instant Articles API client instance configured with sitewide Drupal settings
  public static function get() {
    $appID = variable_get('fb_instant_articles_api_app_id');
    $appSecret = variable_get('fb_instant_articles_api_app_secret');
    $accessToken = variable_get('fb_instant_articles_api_access_token');
    $pageID = variable_get('fb_instant_articles_page_id');
    $developmentMode = (bool) variable_get('fb_instant_articles_api_development_mode', FALSE);
    return parent::create($appID, $appSecret, $accessToken, $pageID, $developmentMode);

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Additionally try to catch an attempted import call.
   * @todo Revisit this try/catch wrapper if the API gives an API option to see
   *   if the page has passed review. This may in fact be the best way, but that
   *   is still in discussion by the Facebook team.
  public function importArticle($article, $takeLive = FALSE, $forceRescrape = false, $formatOutput = false) {
    try {
      parent::importArticle($article, $takeLive, $forceRescrape, $formatOutput);
    } catch (FacebookResponseException $e) {

      // If this was an authorization exception and the error code indicates
      // that the page has not yet passed review, try posting the article
      // unpublished. Only try again if the article was intended to be
      // published, so we don't try to post unpublished twice.
      if ($e
        ->getCode() === self::FB_INSTANT_ARTICLES_ERROR_CODE_PERMISSION && $e
        ->getSubErrorCode() === self::FB_INSTANT_ARTICLES_ERROR_CODE_PAGE_NOT_APPROVED && $takeLive) {
        parent::importArticle($article, FALSE);



Namesort descending Description
DrupalClient Encapsulates any Drupal-specific logic when using the Client.