You are here in Drupal for Facebook 6.2

Re-write of Drupal's, for facebook-controlled sessions.

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 * @file
 * Re-write of Drupal's, for facebook-controlled sessions.
 * @see
function sess_open($save_path, $session_name) {
  return TRUE;
function sess_close() {
  return TRUE;
function sess_read($key) {
  global $user;

  // Write and Close handlers are called after destructing objects since PHP 5.0.5
  // Thus destructors can use sessions but session handler can't use objects.
  // So we are moving session closure before destructing objects.

  // Session controlled by facebook, so no check for $_COOKIE[session_name()].
  // If the session is still active, we have a record of the client's session in the database.
  $user = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT u.*, s.* FROM {users} u INNER JOIN {sessions} s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE s.sid = '%s'", $key));

  // We found the client's session record and they are an authenticated user
  if ($user && $user->uid > 0) {

    // This is done to unserialize the data member of $user
    $user = drupal_unpack($user);

    // Add roles element to $user
    $user->roles = array();
    $user->roles[DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID] = 'authenticated user';
    $result = db_query("SELECT r.rid, FROM {role} r INNER JOIN {users_roles} ur ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = %d", $user->uid);
    while ($role = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $user->roles[$role->rid] = $role->name;
  else {
    $session = isset($user->session) ? $user->session : '';
    $user = drupal_anonymous_user($session);
  return $user->session;
function sess_write($key, $value) {
  global $user;

  // If saving of session data is disabled or if the client doesn't have a session,
  // and one isn't being created ($value), do nothing. This keeps crawlers out of
  // the session table. This reduces memory and server load, and gives more useful
  // statistics. We can't eliminate anonymous session table rows without breaking
  // the throttle module and the "Who's Online" block.
  if (!session_save_session() || $user->uid == 0 && empty($_COOKIE[session_name()]) && empty($value)) {
    return TRUE;
  db_query("UPDATE {sessions} SET uid = %d, cache = %d, hostname = '%s', session = '%s', timestamp = %d WHERE sid = '%s'", $user->uid, isset($user->cache) ? $user->cache : '', ip_address(), $value, time(), $key);
  if (db_affected_rows()) {

    // Last access time is updated no more frequently than once every 180 seconds.
    // This reduces contention in the users table.
    if ($user->uid && time() - $user->access > variable_get('session_write_interval', 180)) {
      db_query("UPDATE {users} SET access = %d WHERE uid = %d", time(), $user->uid);
  else {

    // If this query fails, another parallel request probably got here first.
    // In that case, any session data generated in this request is discarded.
    @db_query("INSERT INTO {sessions} (sid, uid, cache, hostname, session, timestamp) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d)", $key, $user->uid, isset($user->cache) ? $user->cache : '', ip_address(), $value, time());
  return TRUE;

 * Called when an anonymous user becomes authenticated or vice-versa.
function sess_regenerate() {

  // Session is controlled by Facebook.  Nothing to do here.

 * Counts how many users have sessions. Can count either anonymous sessions or authenticated sessions.
 * @param int $timestamp
 *   A Unix timestamp representing a point of time in the past.
 *   The default is 0, which counts all existing sessions.
 * @param boolean $anonymous
 *   TRUE counts only anonymous users.
 *   FALSE counts only authenticated users.
 * @return  int
 *   The number of users with sessions.
function sess_count($timestamp = 0, $anonymous = TRUE) {
  $query = $anonymous ? ' AND uid = 0' : ' AND uid > 0';
  return db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(sid) AS count FROM {sessions} WHERE timestamp >= %d' . $query, $timestamp));

 * Called by PHP session handling with the PHP session ID to end a user's session.
 * @param  string $sid
 *   the session id
function sess_destroy_sid($sid) {
  db_query("DELETE FROM {sessions} WHERE sid = '%s'", $sid);

 * End a specific user's session
 * @param  string $uid
 *   the user id
function sess_destroy_uid($uid) {
  db_query('DELETE FROM {sessions} WHERE uid = %d', $uid);
function sess_gc($lifetime) {

  // Be sure to adjust 'php_value session.gc_maxlifetime' to a large enough
  // value. For example, if you want user sessions to stay in your database
  // for three weeks before deleting them, you need to set gc_maxlifetime
  // to '1814400'. At that value, only after a user doesn't log in after
  // three weeks (1814400 seconds) will his/her session be removed.
  db_query("DELETE FROM {sessions} WHERE timestamp < %d", time() - $lifetime);
  return TRUE;

 * Determine whether to save session data of the current request.
 * This function allows the caller to temporarily disable writing of session data,
 * should the request end while performing potentially dangerous operations, such as
 * manipulating the global $user object.  See for usage
 * @param $status
 *   Disables writing of session data when FALSE, (re-)enables writing when TRUE.
 * @return
 *   FALSE if writing session data has been disabled. Otherwise, TRUE.
function session_save_session($status = NULL) {
  static $save_session = TRUE;
  if (isset($status)) {
    $save_session = $status;
  return $save_session;


Namesort descending Description
session_save_session Determine whether to save session data of the current request.
sess_count Counts how many users have sessions. Can count either anonymous sessions or authenticated sessions.
sess_destroy_sid Called by PHP session handling with the PHP session ID to end a user's session.
sess_destroy_uid End a specific user's session
sess_open @file Re-write of Drupal's, for facebook-controlled sessions.
sess_regenerate Called when an anonymous user becomes authenticated or vice-versa.