You are here in Drupal for Facebook 5

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// We need to make the session_name unique to this app and we need to
// do it after settings.php is included and before drupal includes
// it's  Drupal gives us no easy way to do this.
if ($nid = _fb_settings_parse_nid()) {

  // Session name taking into account the fb_app.  This is intended to
  // support links in iframes without the target parameter.  This
  // needs testing and possibly will not work.
  $sess = session_name();
  if (isset($_REQUEST['fb_sig_session_key'])) {

    // If facebook provides a session key, us it.  Allows us to share
    // a session between FBML and iframe, and when forms are submitted
    // from FBML canvas pages.
    session_id("fb_{$nid}_" . $_REQUEST['fb_sig_session_key']);
else {

  // Leave default session_name

// Important: edit the path where includes/ is included so
// that it works for your system.
require_once 'includes/';