You are here in Drupal for Facebook 7.3

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  1. 6.3
  2. 7.4

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 * @file
 * Implementation of theme functions.
 * XFBML markup will only work on canvas pages and facebook connect pages.
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'fb') . '/fb.theme.css');

// Note in D7 theme functions take one parameter, an associative array.
function theme_fb_markup($params) {
  $options = isset($params['options']) ? $params['options'] : array();
  $not_connected_markup = isset($params['not_connected']) ? $params['not_connected'] : NULL;
  $connected_markup = isset($params['not_connected']) ? $params['connected'] : NULL;
  if ($not_connected_markup == $connected_markup) {
    return $not_connected_markup;

  // Merge in defaults
  $options += array(
    'wrapper' => 'div',
  $output = '';
  if ($not_connected_markup) {
    $output .= '<' . $options['wrapper'] . ' class="fb_not_connected">' . $not_connected_markup . '</' . $options['wrapper'] . '>';
  if ($connected_markup) {
    $output .= '<' . $options['wrapper'] . ' class="fb_connected">' . $connected_markup . '</' . $options['wrapper'] . '>';
  return $output;

 * Theme a Facebook Connect button.
 * Uses a link with onclick="FB.login()", because this works much better
 * than fb:login-button on Firefox when third-party cookies disabled.
function theme_fb_login_button($params) {
  $text = isset($params['text']) ? $params['text'] : '';
  $options = isset($params['options']) ? $params['options'] : array();

  // Merge in defaults
  $options += array(
    'attributes' => array(),
    'connected_markup' => NULL,
  $options['attributes'] += array(
    'class' => 'fb_login_button_wrapper fb_button_style',
  if ($text === NULL) {
    $text = t('Connect');

  // For compatibility, pass in scope as an attribute.
  if (!isset($options['attributes']['scope'])) {

    // Which permissions to prompt for?
    $perms = array();
    drupal_alter('fb_required_perms', $perms);
    $options['attributes']['scope'] = implode(',', $perms);
  $scope = $options['attributes']['scope'];

  // New markup does not need this attr.
  if ($text) {
    $markup = '<div ' . drupal_attributes($options['attributes']) . '><a href="#" onclick="FB.login(function(){}, {scope : \'' . $scope . '\'}); return false;"><div><span>' . $text . '</span></div></a></div>';
  else {

    // No text, use default image.
    $markup = '<div class="fb_login_button_wrapper"><a href="#" onclick="FB.login(function(){}, {scope : \'' . $scope . '\'}); return false;"><span><img src="//" alt="fb connect" /></span></a></div>';
  if ($options['connected_markup']) {
    $markup = '<div class="fb_not_connected">' . $markup . '</div>' . '<div class="fb_connected">' . $options['connected_markup'] . '</div>';
  return $markup;

// This is the old way, using facebook social plugin markup
// Replaced by theme_fb_login_button() above to better support Firefox with third-party cookies disabled.
function theme_fb_login_buttonXXX($text = '', $options = array()) {

  // Merge in defaults
  $options += array(
    'attributes' => array(),
    'connected_markup' => NULL,
  $options['attributes'] += array(
    'class' => 'fb-login-button',
    // important
    'data-show-faces' => 'false',
    'data-max-rows' => 1,
  if (!isset($options['attributes']['scope'])) {

    // Which permissions to prompt for?
    $perms = array();
    drupal_alter('fb_required_perms', $perms);
    if (count($perms)) {
      $options['attributes']['scope'] = implode(',', $perms);
  $button = '<div ' . drupal_attributes($options['attributes']) . '>' . ($text ? check_plain($text) : '') . '</div>';

  // Show picture instead of button when user is connected.
  if ($options['connected_markup']) {
    $button = '<div class="fb_not_connected">' . $button . '</div>' . '<div class="fb_connected">' . $options['connected_markup'] . '</div>';
  return $button;
function theme_fb_username($params) {
  $fbu = $params['fbu'];
  $object = $params['account'];
  $orig = $params['orig'];
  if (!$fbu || arg(0) == 'admin') {
    return $orig;
  $wrap_pre = "<span class=\"fb_hide\">{$orig}</span><span class=\"fb_show\">";
  $wrap_post = "</span>\n";
  $ifcantsee = '';
  if ($object->uid && user_access('access user profiles')) {

    // Provide link if local account.
    $wrap_pre = $wrap_pre . '<a href="' . url('user/' . $object->uid) . '">';
    $wrap_post = '</a>' . $wrap_post;
    $ifcantsee = 'ifcantsee="' . addslashes(check_plain($object->name)) . '"';
  $fbml = "<fb:name linked=\"false\" useyou=\"false\" uid=\"{$fbu}\" {$ifcantsee}></fb:name>";
  $output = $wrap_pre . $fbml . $wrap_post;
  return $output;
function theme_fb_user_picture($params) {
  if (!$params['fbu']) {
    return $params['orig'];
  $fbu = $params['fbu'];
  $object = $params['account'];
  $orig = $params['orig'];

  $fbml = "<fb:profile-pic linked=\"false\" uid=\"{$fbu}\"></fb:profile-pic>";
  $wrap_pre = '<span class=fb_hide>' . $orig . '</span><span class="fb_show"><div class="picture">';
  $wrap_post = '</div></span>';
  if ($object->uid && user_access('access user profiles')) {

    // Provide link to local account.
    $wrap_pre = $wrap_pre . '<a href="' . url('user/' . $object->uid) . '">';
    $wrap_post = '</a>' . $wrap_post;
  return $wrap_pre . $fbml . $wrap_post;
function theme_fb_fbml_popup($elem) {

  // Hide this markup until javascript shows it.
  $t = '<div class="fb_fbml_popup_wrap" ' . ">\n";
  $t .= '<a href="#" title="' . check_plain($elem['#title']) . '" ' . (isset($elem['#link_attributes']) ? drupal_attributes($elem['#link_attributes']) : '') . '>' . check_plain($elem['#link_text']) . '</a>';
  $t .= '<div class="fb_fbml_popup" ' . drupal_attributes($elem['#attributes']) . '>';
  $t .= $elem['#children'];
  $t .= "</div></div>\n";
  return $t;