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7 calls to fb_users_getInfo() in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

fb_devel_fbu_page in ./fb_devel.module
A page which tests function which work with facebook user ids
fb_form_friend_selector_value in ./fb_form.module
Convert #default_value into a value for the form field
fb_username_alter in ./fb.module
fb_user_app_get_proxied_email in contrib/fb_user_app.module
Learn the user's proxied email address.
fb_user_app_track_user in contrib/fb_user_app.module
Keep track of when the user has visited the app.
fb_user_create_local_user in ./fb_user.module
Creates a local Drupal account for the specified facebook user id.
fb_user_get_proxied_email in ./fb_user.module
Learn the user's proxied email address. If fb_user_app.module is enabled, it will defer to that module, which queries a local database. If not, ask facebook for the data.