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8 calls to fb_report_errors() in Drupal for Facebook 5

action_fb_set_profile_fbml in ./fb_actions.module
Implementation of an Action. See Actions module.
action_fb_set_ref_fbml in ./fb_actions.module
Implementation of an Action.
action_fb_write_minifeed in ./fb_actions.module
Implementation of an Action. See Actions module.
fb_actions_minifeed in ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_profile_fbml in ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_ref_fbml in ./fb_actions.module
fb_app_user in ./fb_app.module
Implementation of hook_user.
fb_get_friends in ./fb.module
A convenience method for returning a list of facebook friends. This should work efficiently in canvas pages for finding friends of the current user. In other cases it tries to work, but will be an expensive operation and only succeed when the user…