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12 calls to fb_is_canvas() in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

fb_canvas_form_alter in ./fb_canvas.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter.
fb_connect_fb in ./fb_connect.module
Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_devel_fb in ./fb_devel.module
Implements hook_fb().
fb_example_fb in contrib/fb_example.module
Implements hook_fb().
fb_example_preprocess_page in contrib/fb_example.module
Implements hook_preprocess_page().
fb_friend_block in contrib/fb_friend.module
Implementation of hook_block().
fb_friend_request_content in contrib/fb_friend.module
Builds a data structure, similar to Drupal's form API structure, which renders a facebook request-form.
fb_init in ./fb.module
Implements hook_init().
fb_require_authorization in ./fb.module
Helper function to ensure user has authorized an application.
fb_tab_pages in ./fb_tab.module
This page callback will show the user a list of pages they have authority to configure.
fb_user_fb in ./fb_user.module
Implementation of hook_fb.
fb_user_user in ./fb_user.module
Implementation of hook_user().