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15 calls to fb_graph() in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

fb_admin_get_app_info in ./
fb_admin_set_properties_form_submit in ./
Confirm form submit function. We don't use fb_app_set_app_properties, because fb_app.module may not be enabled.
fb_app_fb_admin in ./
Implementation of hook_fb_admin().
fb_app_set_app_properties in ./
Sets callback URLs and other properties of a facebook app. Calls the facebook
fb_graph_delete_confirm_form in ./
Form creator -- ask for confirmation of deletion
fb_graph_delete_confirm_form_submit in ./
fb_graph_publish_action in ./fb_graph.module
Helper function to publish user activity to Facebook's Open Graph.
fb_stream_admin_settings in ./
Form callback for general settings.
fb_stream_form_alter in ./fb_stream.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_stream_nodeapi in ./fb_stream.module
fb_stream_node_settings_form in ./fb_stream.module
Helper function for hook_form_alter() renders the settings per node-type.
fb_stream_post_options in ./fb_stream.module
Helper function to add post options to a form.
fb_stream_requirements in ./fb_stream.install
Implementation of hook_requirements().
fb_tab_added in ./fb_tab.module
Drupal menu callback. User has added a tab to one of their pages.
_fb_stream_validate_token in ./